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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Received a used SIM cardI received today the 5G SIM card, however when I tried to activate it, it says that it belongs to a…
Volte sim card activationHi, I tried activating the new volte sim card I was sent but keep getting an error message saying t…
My SIM Card is flagged as delivered but I did not receive it.Hello, I ordered a SIM card back on the 12th, and on your website, it says the card was delivered t…
How to obtain new SIM cardI went to the USA last month, I upgrade my package to have data there. However, data was almost nev…
New volte cardIt keeps telling me another user already has this card !
travel to the usaHi everyone, i will soon be travelling to the usa, do i need seperate add ons for each data, texts …
Calls/Texts to/from USA with Canada/USA planHi ! I have signed up to this plan. I want to know if my phone and service will work WHEN I am in t…
I changed my phone number and I have now problemsSo I changed my number like a month ago and now I can receive sms but cant send any, But I can call…
Received email: Your SIM card must be changed.... but I am not eligible?I received the email saying I need to change my SIM card, but when I log in, it says I am not eligi…
Does volte use my LTEDoes the volte SIM card use my LTE every time a have a call or when I call someone
I got an email about getting a new sim but I’m moving to bc in a couple weeksWhat should I be doing? I had thought to transfer my service
How do I get to talk to a real person!!!!How can I talk to a real person about my problem
Want to come back to FizzHey, I did the mistake of taking another companies cell plan. I would like to come back to Fizz but…
Activation pending in my sim card planI have a Ticket #185641 - In Progress for a almost a week
My data usage is wrong on the dashboard 2 days into billing cyclethe dashboard is telling me to slow down on my data usage but i have only used less than 300 mb in …
How to buy data for travelingI am going to United Kingdom, France and Switzerland in a few weeks. I can't find how to buy a data…
How to redeem the new sim card ?Hello, I would like to know how to ask for a new sim card. I received an email from fizz to redeem …
Didn't receive my 5 free Gigs : Free VoLTE SIM card swap offer from FizzHello, I switched my SIM card as the email asked me to couple weeks ago. However, I have not rece…
need phone new simneed help setting this up thanks
VoLTE SIM card has been ordered, didn't arriveSome eight days ago, I've received an email titled: "Action required: Your SIM card needs to b…
LTE Not workingHi, as for the last 3 days my LLTE is not working. Pease help
How to get coverage outside Quebec promptlyi use Quebec coverage. When I was trying to call an Ontario number, my phone says your current plan…
why does the chat not worki click on the green icon for chat and nothing happens. no one on messenger is writing me back eith…
Sims card activation problemI’m trying to activate my sims card but when I select the plan I want to use a red message pops up …
My sms don’t work even after rebooting and doing everything else mentioned in the forum. How do I g?Can someone please look at my file and figure out what is wrong?
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