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What's your favorite knock-knock joke?If you have one. I don't… lol
Best Brain TeasersGot any fun brain teasers/riddles? 🧩❓🌀💡💥🤯 Drop them here! Or hit us with the answer! I'll kick thi…
Describe It in 7 Words! 🎨 Post Your Best 7-Word Description Challenge and Let’s Guess What It Is!Example Challenge to Start With: “Ancient structure, four triangular sides, pharaohs’ pride.”
Favorite videogame saga?Could it be Assassins creed, or Far Cry or Watchdogs or Metal gear or Mario, GTA, etc.
Do You Celebrate Valentine's Day?If so, what do you typically do?
Will you purchase a EV without government rebates?Federal and province stopped financial assistance for a new electric vehicle, do you think you will…
If there's one feature you'd like Fizz to introduce, what would it be and why?For me, it's definitely Wi-Fi calling. It’s such a highly anticipated feature, and it would be a ga…
Any suggestion or tip on finances?Me, having specific cash back rewards credit cards for specific uses as different ones have difffer…
How can I get a job with fizzI want to know how u can work with fizz to become a agent
Any app to recomendAny app to recomend no matter the subject or what is it for.
What can we do to improve the relationship between Quebec and ROC?Given the current political climate, we need to improve trade among our provinces. Any suggestions
What is your favourite DC comics character, and why?Among Supes, Bats, Wonder woman, etc, which one is it?
should more canadians use mobile and internet providers like Fizz to against American company?Canadians should use mobile and internet providers like Fizz to against American company
Becoming 51st stateTOday the PM expressed in Europe that the threads FROM USA are indeed real… what do you think about…
What is your favourite Image comics?Spawn? Walking dead? Incivcible? savage Dragon, now transformers and GIJoe, ?
What is your Favourite Marvecl comics super hero non-mutant?Any one as long as it is not a mutant
Saving electricity tips on WinterHello Could you recomend any tip to save on my bill due to winter? Thanks
What is the best canadian hokey team?Which one is it?
A high-speed train between Quebec City and TorontoThe train will be able to reach speeds of 300 km/h For the people of Quebec City, among others, wh…
Do you back into parking spots?Why don't more drivers park reversed?
If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?An oldie, but a goodie. I would say, teleportation probably. Be cool to travel anywhere at the drop…
USA CANADA tariffsWhat actions are you taking to support Canadian goods?
Who's excited for Daredevil S4?And do you think it will live up to the hype? (I know technically it goes by a different name now …
What kind of candy do you eat and which ones do you miss because they are discontinued?Hi, I like small raspberries, Jelly Bean, Starburst and Sweetstart in roll and box. I eat others bu…
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