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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Change ProvinceHi, I am going to change my province permanently. Would you please tell me how I can correct my add…
Question About Moving & changing addressHi, I moved to a new apartment and I brought my Fizz modem with me. I connected it myself and my co…
How do I close a ticket?I had an issue in which I didn't receive the SIM card I had ordered. I opened a ticket, received wo…
30GB data bonusI got my 30GB data bonus and it says you have 60 days to use it once activated. I have not activate…
How to cancel my phone plan with FIZZOn Jan 23 I activated my new sim card and asked to transfer my current phone number. Since then not…
How to change settings to bill goes to a business name, and not a person?Hi there, I would like my bill to go to my newly established business (a numbered company) and not…
How do you contact Customer ServiceI need to change information on my payment method and I cannot change the information on the Fizz w…
Trying to apply 1$ rebate perk to internet planHey guys, i have rebate perk for a dollar i would like to apply, but it tells me it cannot be appli…
How do you receive points and level up?I see you can get points but I'm confused about how to get them...
How do I change my plan nowHow do I change my plan to get effective now, not on the next cycle?
Failed Payment Text for Different Number?Hi Folks, I received a text saying that my payment has failed for a 514 number, if I log in I don't…
Is Fizz internet compatible with Bell Fibe TV or i have to only use bell internets modemIs Fizz internet compatible with Bell Fibe TV or i have to only use bell internet?
I just processed the complete payment transaction and at the very end, they told me somethingwent wrong but no explication as to what went wrong, do you have any idea what the problem might be?
Direct bank withdrawalCan the Fizz invoice be charged directly to my bank account instead of credit card? I want to cance…
What's the best & cheapest way to occasionally call US numbers?I won't be calling US numbers alot, but I find the per minute rate is too high. Any other alternati…
I'll be moving to Eastern Ontario. How do I change my address with Fizz?How do I port my phone from Quebec to Ontario and change my address on my account?
The buzzer at my door doesn't work. Can the installation guy call me upon arrival ?The buzzer at my door doesn't work. Can the installation guy call me upon arrival ?
How do i chat with Fizz ?How do i chat with Fizz
I clicked on the Sundae badge on the Rewards page, thinking it would give info about it, but...I got a dialog box indicating I had purchased an Add-on. Did I actually purchase an add-on, and if…
I want to change my date usage but cannot get into my account. Is it down?I cannot get into my account. Is the system down?
I'm still waiting for my sim card I ordered on 3rd JanuaryWhat am I supposted to to??
Tel jeunes badge eventI donated data for the tel jeune event but did not receive a badge for and i see that the badge is …
How to give 1 Go to a friendI don't know how to give to a friend a Go. Can you help me to tell me how? Thanks
Updated paymentHello, I received an email my payment did not go through and updated it Friday . We r Sunday and ca…
Comment bénéficier des 100$ que j'ai reçu comme primeComment bénéficier des 100$ que j'ai reçu comme prime
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