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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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I am movingMy new address is *******
Pending réactivationHi can anybody help now it’s starting to be ridiculous since March 3rd my Te activation is pendin…
Pending reactivationHi I paid late my monthly payment so I paid and it says pending réactivation but it’s been 10 day…
paymentHello, I got a payment message with my credit card 5.75$ from Fizz yesterday. I don't know what th…
I asked someone from fuzz to cancel my planI was still charged . I want my plan cancelled NOW AND A REFUND IMMEDIATELY
Issues with card.Just a question for fizz who didn't help me but closed my discussion. Why does my credit card work …
Chat is not workingHey @Whizz, I am trying to use Chat to contact support. But it is not working. I am using Chrome Ve…
I am trying to buy a SIM card and my credit card is declined.I have an account with fizz and bought a phone through fizz and it works all right and I ordered an…
Referral bonusI am new to fizz and recently activated an account so i can transfer my current phone number. Was n…
Canada Post Refuse bar codeHello, I try to return a modem with the bar code provided by Fizz email but when I went to 3 differ…
How do i level up?What is the easiest and best way to level up fast in the fizz community?
Hi I've seen in the newspaper that now you're offering a bundle 61$ monthly rate.I already have both services with you, how can I get the bundle?
WIFI RECONNECTION???I had credit card problems and my wifi was disconnected; I changed cards and the payment method was…
How can I get my money back?Today I discoverd that I have been paying 2$ twicw for the visual voicemail since Auguest 2020, how…
Why is my monthly price in my service agreement is diffrent than the one in the email about updates?I received an email lately about updates concerning the fact that members will now pay 72 hours in …
Referral BonusesHello, was promised a 100$ per phone referral bonus upon activation of 4 lines. I was only given 50…
Hi I need your help pleaseI made a payment from 28th February until now but my service still pending I don't why?
Can you help me receive my reward for inviting a friend (it's been over 2 months)?Can you help me receive my reward for inviting a friend (it's been over 2 months)?
Has anyone unlocked the sundae and traveller badges?i bought Internatonal call data, & even made a call (used 1 min out of 60 minutes) & it did…
referral bonus is not the correct one so how and who i can ask for it to fix itHello the referral bonus at the moment i became a client was 50CAD for me and 50CAD for the referra…
ActivationSo i switched from Rogers to fizz, transfered my phone number but weirdly it didnt fully worked… It…
How can I reactivate my service for calls?I had a problem with the payment. The problem is solved, Fizz took the money from my account. Now I…
My plan $ amount has become way more expensiveI reajusted my plan befor the month ended as they were offering it for a cheaper price now (12gb a …
Can’t make calls since 28febNot sure what is going on in USA florida Tmobile cant make calls 2months i was with AT&T and w…
Incoming callsWe’re in the US and haven’t been able to make calls since yesterday but incoming calls are coming t…
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