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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Data Gifting Badges - must be friends?I usually do the anonymous gifting with referral codes to help strangers out every month, does this…
Never received my card simI ordered my card sim the 09/05/2021, but I never received it. Indeed, the status of my order on my…
Received an email saying that my mobile plan price will change, but I already pay that?Hello! So weird one here: I joined Fizz at the end of last year (December or January I think) for I…
Promotion clarification: 5GB of mobile data offered to all or only new customers?The banner reads: Subscribe to Fizz before May 30. All our mobile members will receive 5 GB of mobi…
Received an email saying that my mobile plan price will change, but that's already what I'm paying??Hello! So weird one here: I joined Fizz at the end of last year (December or January I think) for I…
Is there a timeframe to activate SIM card once received in the mail?Hi, one quick question. My fiancee is moving to Canada at the end of the month and I want to send h…
I have a problem concerning my lteHi, since a couple days, my lte isn't working anymore. I've tried the APN configuration tutorial an…
Anybody else get $3 increase email?I was early fizz customer and didn't get it. I referred him to Fizz. My brother got email this mor…
What's the best phone for Wi-Fi Internet connection (home & outside) AND who's making good pictures?What's the best phone for Wi-Fi Internet connection (home & outside) AND who's making good pict…
Why did I received two different agreements ?Good morning ! I hope you are all well. This morning I received two emails from Fizz about my new …
increase 3$ to my previous planI received notice that will be increased 3$ in 30 days, in fact I am with FIZZ more than 2 years , …
price increaseHello, I got an email that Fizz is increasing the price of my plan. I have to pay an extra of $3. M…
Change plan phoneI want to change my plan for your promotion plan you have advertised at 36? with 3 meg of data, how…
Can I keep my Fizz phone number with another provider?Fizz cut my line after being away for 3 months on Fizz Ext which left me with no choice but to swit…
Does FIZZ work in the town of Gaspé, Quebec, Canada?Does FIZZ work in the town of Gaspé, Quebec, Canada? Certain compagnies dont work down here...
on basic plan if u don't add funds to your wallet can you still be charged for texts calls and data?if the plan is basic line, and you just add 1Gb of data.
how many minutes come with basic lineif you were not to get unlimited minutes how much time will you get for phone calls?
is it legal to raise the price for plan?you are acting highly
Hi! I cannot use data and connect to the Fizz Network since I subscribed and put in my new simcardEver since I switched to Fizz and put my new simcard roughly a month ago, I cannot use data. I can…
Why I cannot make any calls but I can receive them?Hello, I already paid my monthly plan and I don't know why I'm able to receive calls but I cannot m…
3 lines one accountHello, I have 3 lines attached to one account. I want to change for Fizz. We want to keep our numbe…
Rate increaseWhy are you raising rates? The CRTC ordered Rogers to lower cost for consumers. Note: India is sick…
Everything working well except my mobile data (LTE)? Help?First of all, I'm a graduate of computer science, I know what I'm doing. I tried to contact Fizz by…
What should I do and or am missing something?Activation pending for over a week for my phone transfer...received message only says technical dif…
Call price per min. USAHi there, I just would like to know what is the price per min. if I call in USA without the Canada…
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