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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Will it possible to take the payment tomorrow at 12 PmCan you please take the payment tomorrow at 12 pm instead of tonight at 10 I will have funds availa…
How can I get a receipt of my October paymentsI really need an invoice or a document with my name, address and payments for this month. Every doc…
why level is not changing?why my reward level did not change for the last few months, i see i miss about 4500 points fot leve…
My line is not workingMy line is not working. it's been 2 days now
What is the best way to get Reward Points?It seems quite hard to level up?
VISUAL VOICE MESSAGEHow can I add the VVM if I still have the plan from 2 years ago and do not have a voice mail? Does…
Acces to my accountI can not acces to my account why? Ce site est inaccessible Il se peut que la page Web à l'adresse …
Will I lose my $75 referral bonus if I change my plan?So I signed up for 60/10 internet plan for $50. Used a referral code and the $75 will be applied in…
Can IWas just wondering at 4:42am if someone has a referral credit on their account, can someone use tha…
Payment methodNeed to cancel and replace my payment method within my account but couldnt. I dont know how to cont…
My phone plan has a coverage of Canada, if I call from Quebec to Vancouver, do I pay extra?hi all, My phone plan has a coverage of Canada, if I call from Quebec to Vancouver, do I pay extra?…
Points accumulation appears to stop as long as referral bonuses exist.The points that determine your level increase over time. It appears that this is almost entirely du…
What is the best solution?I have two iphones in my name on my account. My wife uses one of these phones occasionally but she …
No info in accountI have Internet with Fizz. I'm looking for payment info but when I log into my account there's noth…
Changing plansIs there a way to change your plan on the spot?
how does reward system works for both mobile and fizz internet?hi I wanted to know is the bundle for mobile and internet better on fizz compared to videotron? are…
How to check remaining balance on add-ons?I use add-ons regularly and till a few months back the remaining balance (mins/data/texts) was disp…
Are account changes to data live?if I increase the data needs on my account, is that for the current billing cycle or does that not …
Cancelled installation appointment- Refund requiredI had scheduled an installation appointment which was set for Saturday October 16, 2021 to have a m…
Data feeds communitiesWill fizz make it a yearly event ?
Best way to get points?So, I was wondering, what is the best way to get points? -What defines the amount of points you re…
How to transfer my referral bonus from Mobile to Home Internet plan?Due to some reasons, I cannot continue with my mobile plan but I have unused 150$ referral bonus am…
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