Is Visual Voicemail the same as basic voicemail?

I recently became a subscriber, and I was annoyed that I couldn't set up the voicemail. I was trying to follow the instructions, but I get the automated voice indicating that I'm calling from an unknown number and I should enter my phone number, which wasn't then recognized.
I already searched through the forum where I saw so many references of "basic voicemail" and "visual voicemail". Some references suggest that a basic voicemail was an option, that a visual voicemail is an extra or a separate upgrade, that some subscribers were fine using the basic voicemail, etc.
Since a basic voicemail is sufficient to my needs, I unchecked "Visual voicemail" when I created my plan. Now, I'm under the impression that perhaps "Visual voicemail" became the basic voicemail. Can anyone confirm?
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Sorry, I missed this question
Since a basic voicemail is sufficient to my needs, I unchecked "Visual voicemail" when I created my plan. Now, I'm under the impression that perhaps "Visual voicemail" became the basic voicemail. Can anyone confirm?
Yes, they renamed voicemail to "Visual voicemail", which is a little misleading. Visual voicemail is the new "basic" voicemail. So if you dit NOT select any voicemail in your plan, then voicemail is NOT included. With Fizz, voicemail is not a basic offering, it is an option.
IF you have basic voicemail, visual voicemail is included at no extra cost. On the plan choices, they have renamed the "voicemail" option as visual voicemail, so people don't think it is an extra.
Visual vociemail is a recent addition at Fizz, and provided for convenience. You can use either one or the other as long as you have voicemail included in your plan.
Setting up basic voicemail instructions can be found here:
And you will see it clearly states at the top:
Visual voicemail is now the basic voicemail for our mobile plans. So whatever name you see, Voicemail or Visual voicemail, know that we're referring to the same thing, Visual voicemail.
Setting up Visual voicemail instruction are here:
Hope this helps.
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I have all the requirements for the visual voicemail and I’m unable to see it on my iPhone. Still the classic voicemail. And I know my phone is capable of visual voicemail, I had it when I was with Bell before switching to Fizz. Is there anything that needs to be done? On the instructions posted above it only says to go to the phone app and click on voicemail.
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This info should be on the how to setup visual voicemail page @Fizz
- Apple members > You need iOS 15 or a later version, with a iPhone 6S or more recent.
- Any issues, and you've verified you're using iOS 15 or later please turn your device on/off
- If you power-cycled your device and are still having the same issue, please send the following text: "STATE to 44744" this should do the trick.
0 - Apple members > You need iOS 15 or a later version, with a iPhone 6S or more recent.
No it's not the same. Visual mail is a lot better, you don't need to enter your PIN every time!