Are there any bonuses for switching my home internet to Fizz?

Hi! I already have a cellphone plan with Fizz which I'm very happy with. Are there any bonuses added to the account (i.e. extra discounts) if I also sign up for home internet? Also, can I use a referral code when I activate my internet plan, or is it only possible when you create your account for the first time?
Best Answer
There are no multi-service discounts with Fizz. Only advantage is that you accumulate points for both services, quicker (which can lead to $1 or $2 bonuses for the bonus slots).
The Referral bonuses are given to an account when it activates it's FIRST service (internet or Cell).
You have the opportunity to earn a referral bonus when you are invited to join Fizz and activate your first plan with the referral code of a member
However, you can always create another account (with another email address) and use the referral code of your first account, on the second account and order your Internet plan there. That way you get $50 on your current account, and another $50 on your new account.
Obviously, this means you need to maintain 2 accounts this way.