Activation pending, forever and always


It's been more than a week that "activation pending " is written on my account after I activated my sim card. A ticket has been created on December 9th.

I wrote a message about this issue on this forum last week, and I was told that it can take some time for the problem to be resolved, which I totally understand. However, after more than a week of waiting, I begin to think that I paid 50 dollars for a service that does not work. I can't see the data I bought, manage my plan, or do anything online. When I write to the help service, I always get the same copy/past answer "thank you so much for your patience we are doing the best we can". However since the ticket was opened on December 9th, its status has never evolved. I am beginning to think that I should have chosen another company to buy my sim card... I do understand that it can take some time to solve a problem. But waiting more than a week to have my sim card activated and access to my services online, that sounds not serious for me. How long do I have to wait? 🙁 I am not even able to cancel my plan as I dont have access to the services online. Yes, my credit card is in the system, of course that part works. 

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,232 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello Chloe05,

    I am really sorry for this situation you have encountered.
    I have verified your account and I see that the ticket is still open and the technical team still investigates what is going on there. 
    Also, I see that the situation was escalated to a supervisor and are aware of this issue you've encountered.
    I assure you that this is treated as a high priority.
    I count on your kind understanding and patience until this is solved
    Have a good day!


  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,268 ✭✭

    I am in the same situation my ticket was create on Dec 7th

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭


    It is definitely way too long.

    However having said that, I also remember last year when my wife lost her phone (she was with PC Mobile), and I had a spare SIM card, but it took them close to 2 weeks to transfer the service from the old SIM card to the new SIM card. I kept getting excuses.

    Have you tried filling in the complaint form ?

    Log into your account and you can find it here:

    Not sureit will make a difference, but just another option to try to get the issue escalated.

    Maybe @Whizz can see if they can get the ticket escalated or at least ensure it is assigned to the correct department.

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