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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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How do I set up My voice mail? I could Not set up My voice mail . It says Service unavailable.How do I set up My voicemail? Everytime I tried to set up it always says Service unavailable .
Data giftingI tired to gift data to one of my friends but it doesn’t work because he doesn’t have any data . Is?
I have issue on my mobile dataMy account shows that I have plenty data left but my phone can't use. My phone shows fizz's LTE sig…
Free month on mobile plan still says pending after a month and I still got charged...Hey, I started a mobile plan on Dec 4th 2022 and activated a "1 month free mobile plan" …
RCS with Samsung Messages not workingHello, Does anyone know how to activate RCS (chat feature) on Samsung Messages? I have a Galaxy S10…
Porting old phone number back to Fizz with a new accountHi everyone, My friend was a Fizz mobile customer until he was lured by Fido deal and transfer his …
United statesMerry Christmas, I am currently looking to change my coverage to Canada / US. I will be travellin…
When will the $100 bonus referral end?I can't find the end date for the $100 bonus. Could someone advise?
Thoughts on cellphone internet vs other brands?Is it as effective as fido for example?
Travel add-on costHi, Where can I look to see how much the mobile add-on costs depending on the destination? Thanks, …
Referral codei ordered a fizz phone for my daughter and a chip using my account but how do I use the referral co…
Why is it so complicated to buy travel add on?I went to the travel add on sub-menu, it tells the price BUT I couldn't biy, I had to go to a compl…
Can Lucky mobile phone numbers be transfered to Fizz?I've being trying to activate my new SIM card with my old phone number from Lucky mobile and I can'…
Active 1 month free but...They still charged my credit card for this month ? So how does that work actually ?
Hi, I bought 1GB of international add-ons twice, does that mean I have 2GB now ?Also I put 50$ of funds in my wallet and it lasted few days do u know why? Thank you
Can't receive text SMS, can receive GIFs, can send, receive from other people.So there's this one person, I can't receive their text SMS, but I can receive their animated GIFs, …
unknown payment charged to my credit cardHi I noticed that a payment of $75 was charged to my credit card today from Fizz and I have no idea…
need to contact an employee about fraudulent transaction on cc from fizzHi An amount of $75 was taken from my cc today from Fizz and it is not in my transactions history …
Will my upgrades remain if I change my plan?Will my upgrades remain if I change my plan?
Hi, didn't receive my sim card and was sent back to fizz, how can i get another one?Hi, didn't receive my sim card and was sent back to fizz, how can i get another one?
Can I activate a new account and earn referral with a deactivated old SIM card?Can I activate a new account and earn referral with a deactivated old SIM card?
transfer my videotron number to fizzHello When i try to transfer my videotron number to fizz i always get the "there has been an e…
SIM card expired/refundI hadn't used mi SIM in a few years. I signed up for a new plan and inserted my SIM in my iPhone an…
Roll-out update Android 13 UI.5 for Samsung Galaxy A13 5GJust did the update ! Great job Samsung again! My Motorola One 5G Ace still on Android 11. Enjoy
Upload speeds (mobile)?Hey all, I'm trying to figure out if Fizz mobile data will be good enough for IRL twitch streaming.…
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