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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Important reminder: your SIM card must be changed.I received a second email that I have to change my SIM card. However, when I follow the link to my …
OverchargedMy girlfriend and I canceled at the end of June, they got the router, and we still got charged a mo…
I cannot get my free sim card.I received a email, and let me get a free sim card. But when I login my account, it is shows" …
Transfer request expired, can't intiate again since still active.I wasn't able to to approve my transfer from Virgin to Fizz in time so my transfer request was canc…
How do travel add ons work?I will be traveling to the USA and want to know what travel add on I need to use Google Chat?
I did not get my simcard and it says it was delivered ..I requested a sim card and paid for it... the Planete Courrier left by a door , no signature , no…
Can't activate SIM cardI have ordered a new sim card to replace my damaged one. The web site odes not let me activate it. …
activationwhy can't i activate my new sim card?
Mobile connection issueHi, I'm in Quebec, french Canada, and enable to join any one by phone or text for several hours. …
No phone calls sent or received all dayMy phone has not been working since this morning. I cannot receive calls nor can I make phone calls…
Travel add onI'm in Europe and already spent my 1gb travel add on... I bought another Gb, but it doesn't work, m…
did not get email confirmation after changing my planHi, I changed my phone plan for the next cycle, was accepted on the fizz website which stated I wou…
I am travelling in Europe and use data add-ons to communicate.So far so good in multiple European countries. I was in France and just cross the border to Andorra…
Phone minutesWhy can't I use the minutes bought for class beyond a month? Why can't I just just use the 60min?
Can someone help?Im paying for 8 gb of data but in my payment i didn’t receive the 8 gb i only received my rollover …
canada coverageHi, currently I have the Canada coverage as my phone plan since I live in Ottawa. I'm planning to t…
Free VoLTE SIM card swap offer from FizzAnybody got this e-mail? Fizz offer FREE VoLTE sim card for me. Is it mandatory to swap? Or I don't…
Why doesn't my data work across Canada?Hello, i have a nation wide plan with 3gb of data, but when i tried using it in another province, i…
Hi, seems that I still not having no access to data since rogers deffect. I'm in bc for the summerSo probably on rogers network. Any idea when its going to come back ?
Does anyone know what are all of the different upgrades we get at every level?I was just curious about it, because I was wondering if it varied from person to maybe …
No confirmation on the site or on my email after I ordered a sim cardHi! I ordered a sim card a few minutes ago and the request didn't seem to process. I put in the inf…
Why can’t I make or receive calls despite having unlimited minutes?As of this morning, every call made to me or that I tried to make sends me a text message saying: “…
As of July 2022, you will not be able to make or receive calls and text messages in the USA?Hi, my husband and I live in Canada and joined Fizz to get a plan so we can stay long periods of ti…
my SIM cart does not work anymorehello , my sim cart does not work anymore ,i tried everything :/
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