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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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What is the best way to earn points quickly ?What is the best way to earn points quickly ?
New credit card issuesHello, I have recently changed my credit card ( it expires at the end of the month).I have read all…
Why even after quitte fizz my accout is still activeHi ! i want to know if somenbody has the same experience then me! after changed a provider i still …
Does anyone know the math of how the xp work?I was just curious if the formula of how the xp work and different variable affecting xp where publ…
how to quit fizzhi! so today I tried to leave fizz! and transfer my number to another mobile company! And guess wha…
How do I gift free data to someone else? Because every time i try it doesn’t work….Am i doing something wrong?
Can I make phone calls while traveling?I am overseas and I will like to make phone calls while traveling
frequent change of monthly planHello, I would like to know how many times can I change my plan? I am running low of data and would…
Change Sign in methodWhen I was registering for fizz a couple months ago, the option to sign in with Google was having i…
Plan price does not match service agreement!?!I took advantage of the great discount on plans during the Holidays and switched from 30$/1GB to 25…
How to contact with call centerHow to connect with call center
How do you see the exact amount of minutes left, like for data? (Follow up)Since the previous discussion had already been closed I thought it was appropriate to open a new on…
Missing cancel button on pending upgrade removal.There is apparently no way to cancel such mistakes. How comes there is no cancel button?
How do you see the exact amount of minutes left, like for data?Hello, The minutes left slider only shows the amount of minutes I have paid for, not the exact amo…
Feature Request -Be able to view ALL PERKS INFO(date/time used, gifted, date/expired)-I'm confused as to why Fizz has not added the functionality of being able to see on their end and o…
How can I send a perks to someone?Do I need to activated it first?
Reactivate planI deactivated my plan and now I am following the steps outlined because I wish to reactivate it. Fi…
Fizz levels and pointsI was thinking about canceling or unsubscribing it is called, for a month and then continuing altho…
15 GB perk showed as 32 days remaining and then disappeared.Initially, the 15GB perk showed as valid for two months. One month later, it's disappeared. What's…
How can i receive the datafeed badgeHi how can i receive the badge
Setting my Fizz wifi-dataHello everyone! I already have Wi-Fi with a Fizz modern and want to add it to my new account. How c…
Activated a new VoLTE SIM card - didn't receive 5gb complimentary dataTitle says it all Didn't receive the 5gb for activating my VoLTE card , anyone else experience a l…
how long does it take for the ticket to be resolved ??Hey I've been waiting for 5h to get my sim activated , I created a ticket at 1pm and still nothing.…
Reference Bonus Unavailable For MonthsI've been a Fizz member since October 2022 and my colleague gave me his code to get a 25$ bonus whe…
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