The exact reward points?

Vir Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited June 2023 in Your Fizz Account

Hey everyone, is there a way for me to see the exact reward points I currently have?

I can see the bar that’s filling up, but it would a lot easier to know how close I am to the next level.

Best Answer

  • AK20230110
    AK20230110 Posts: 5,412 ✭✭
    edited June 2023 Answer ✓


    Hello, 👋

    The exact reward points?

    The summary of the latest rewards you received as part of the My Rewards program is displayed on your Overview page in your Fizz account.

    To view the details and manage your rewards:

    Log into your account, and go to Overview.

    In the left column, click on the summary that shows your My Rewards level. You can also scroll down below your usage summary to My Rewards and click on See details.

     You could receive communications or notifications in your account informing you of your progress in the program, and the latest rewards that are available to you.

    Here are some extra informations that could help:



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