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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Preloved phone from FizzWhat’s the commitment on a preloved phone if you paid for it in full? Can you sell it or it must st…
Does Travel add on data roll over to next month?I purchased a 2gb Travel add on last month but only used up a fraction of the data. Does this unuse…
If I buy travel data from one country in a group can I use it in anotherIf I buy travel data from one country in a group (Italy/Europe for instance) can I use it in anothe…
I move from Quebec to Ontario, can I keep the same phone number?I am moving from Quebec to Ontario and would very much like to stay with fizz. But I heard that Fiz…
LTE not workingMy phone's LTE just stopped working. I can manually connect to 3g. Anybody else having this issue?
Keeping preferential pricing when upgrading planHi there, was wondering if there is any way to keep my current preferential pricing when upgrading …
SIM card was not delivered + unavailable in stores. How do people actually get sim cards?I tried to order two SIM cards and it was marked as "delivered" but I never actually got …
Is it possible to "escalade" the issue to higher level?Hi. I wanted to unsubscribe from my phone service, but then I decided to keep it, and I clicked &qu…
I have a data plan but it isn't working ?I have a data plan but it isn't working ?
I have a data plan but it isn't working ?I have a data plan but it isn't working ?
I have a data plan but it isn't working ?I have a data plan should cover Canada but it isn't working how to fix that
A call on Fizz to implement WIFI calling and textingHello @Whizz, does Fizz have any plans to enable WIFI calling and texting? It is an option with the…
Fizz really sucks.This is the 3rd time I ask about the same question which is: "My phone number is unrecognized …
Data not connecting while in the USHas anyone had trouble using data in the US? I have a Canda+US plan. Data was working just fine her…
Lost phone visiting ontario. Can fizz send a new phone/SIM card to temporary address out of Quebec?Hi there, I lost my phone and am visiting Ontario for a few months. Im blocked when I try to buy a …
change plan before next period of paymentSo I’m planning to go to the US the 20th may and I need to change my plan for canada + US, but wtv …
Voicemail still inactive due to unrecognized number.I’ve just reactivated my account and have a voicemail in my plan but after dialing (1) the system t…
Apple Watch serie 7Hi there, I am a long time client of Fizz and I globally love your service and want to stay. Howeve…
Does Fizz now support wi-fi calling ?I’ve read that Fizz wasn’t supporting wifi calling in february 2021. l’d like to know if this situa…
Travel to USHello I had purchased, 10$ data plan in USA, for my second phone, instead of my main phone number, …
sharing dataI currently have a Samsung S20 and a tablet Tab A with a sim card in each of them. From my current…
Cannot configure my voicemail.I’ve just reactivated my account and have a voicemail in my plan but after dialing (1) the system t…
Any online chat?Try to configure my voicemail but it tells me that my number is not recognized. How I can chat with…
Bugs in display of available dataSeems like there's a bug in the data display. I'm pretty sure I don't have 500GB data to spend, bu…
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