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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Applying Perks ?I have a perk but no available slots tu use it...and it expires in 90 days...How can I unlock a loc…
Rewards for Mobile and Internet?Hi! I have both Internet and Mobile from Fizz. I understand that I can use only 1 reward on my leve…
I have cancelled my plan several months ago! WTF???I have cancelled my plan several months ago, but I still can't remove my credit card, because "…
Applying rewards?Anyone else unable to apply rewards? I don’t see the option that’s supposed to pop up on screen to …
Puis-je changer mes récompense Internet résidentiel pour récompense mobile?Je reçoit des récompense pour internet résidentiel mais l'internet n'est pas disponible a mon adres…
How many points I receive each payment cycle?It is not clear for me how many points per $ we earn paying our every month bill...
Problème carte de créditJ'ai perdu ma carte de crédit alors j'en ai reçu une nouvelle et quand je veux l'ajouter à mon comp…
My friend didn't receive my giftI gave 500MB gift to my friend, and the data was already deducted from my account, But it did not g…
How can I earn more points to level up?I'm trying to earn as many points as possible before my next billing cycle, because I am only at le…
Card problem?How do you get rid of credit cards on your account?
How do I communicate with Fizz when I dont have facebook or Twitter?Hi I'm trying to change my credit card but it says that I can't because I have the maximum of credi…
My Sundae and Explorer badges have finally been activated but why doesn't the total number of badgesAlso, shouldn't I get more points now that two additional badges are activated? (btw, you guys have…
How to activate Sundae (add-on) and Explorer (travel add-on) badges which I bought last May and AuguSundae: Add-on was purchased on May 16th 2019. Explorer: Travel add-on was purchased on August 26th…
Can I receive Travel Data and Travel Minutes as a gift?My father has some leftover Travel Data and Minutes for the USA. He now has a Canada + USA plan. Th…
Comment fermer mon compteJe veux fermer mon numéro et mon compte
Reaching Level 3 - Unlocking the second slot for upgradesI feel like I will never reach such level 3... I have 3152 points out of 4500. I need around 1500 p…
"Make best answer" more than once?Okay so I was wondering whether or not I can make more than one "Best Answer" to my quest…
Possible to merge an existing Fizz account with mine?I understand that you can add a new Fizz member to your existing account, so that you would then ma…
Giving kudos more than 20 times?I know that I can get a maximum of 20 points per day by giving Kudos. But what if I give Kudos mor…
Can someone give me permission to have a second credit card? Last one got lost and i cant put Up theAs said, I need a Fizz administrator to put Up the limit of credit cards on m'y account to change m…
extra charge for upgrade 500mb?I was charged 6$ for an uprade 500mb that i never did. How can i proceed?
Can you change your upgrade? and what happens to the previous upgrade?If you selected the 250MB upgrade for level 1, when you get to level 2 and receive the 500MB upgrad…
Rollover dataCan someone help me out, I am not sure as to how rollover data works.... If I use 0.5 out of the 2G…
Cancelling changes to plan after 16 October?If I change my plan now I will get the stabilization price. But the changes to the plan will only c…
What level are you guys ? I love the idea of participating and contributing to this forum.Share me your thoughts of this point system and your levels.
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