How to finish activating the plan when the first pave regarding "your Montly Plan" is blocking the p

Did you try to change the browser4
Thank for the suggestion. I tried to restart my activation with Internet Explorer and Chrome. Both behaves exactly the in same way, the Save button remains gray and block the acctivation.5
Contact the support to ask them the question again, because only they can answer you.
Go to this page, if you are not connect login
The business hours: every day from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (EST).
Wait 5 seconds for the bubble icon to appear at the bottom right of the browser and click on the icon to chat with support. Try a different browser if you have issues getting the bubble to appear.
If the chat bubble does not appear, this means that the number of sessions waiting for our answers surpasses our processing capacity. If that happens, send us a private message via Facebook Messenger or Twitter.
Your can also send a message via facebook messanger and click send a message (this is a bit slower)
You can also fill a contact form from your account Once logged in, from the account panel go to My Profile → Contact Form (the subject are limited) and fill out the form and someone will email you back.
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I finally succeeded my activation. The trick consisted to select the plan without having logged. Then the system goes to the next step asking you to activathe the SIM card and to log in your account. Since the blocking step is already completed, the system goes to the next step allowing us to complete the activation. The only remaining question is the time Fizz will take to complete this activation which is now completed on my side including the paiement.6
Once you have activated online and paid for your first month, your SIM card should be working within 30 minutes.
Did you insert the SIM in your phone and restart the phone?
If you are having issues, what phone are you using? Your phone has to be unlocked and be compatiable with Fizz network.
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@Electrigen Thank you for sharing, the activation time frame can be between 5 mins and 24h. If it does not work this morning contact the support following Fling instructions5
The issue must be fixed by now0