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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Est-il possible d’être rembourser?Bonjour, j’ai bien désactiver mon forfait le 1 er décembre avant d’avoir utiliser mon forfait pour …
Request for helpHello, I want to change the payment bank card, the system does not allow it, please help me, thank …
Vol d'identité - Impossible de parler à un humain chez Fizz pour m'aider. Quoi faire??Je me suis récemment fait volé mon identité, dont chez Fizz. J'ai reçu une confirmation de la part …
My account number?Please send me my account number.
internet price increased?My internet price changed from 29+tax(discount incl.) for 35+tax after almost one year of service.
Get the money back from walletMy dad put money by mistake in the wallet , he was thinking that we can the monthly charge with , h…
payment declined?My payment was declined on my credit card. I haven't changed cards and my card is not expired.
how to open a chat? Something happened on my account and unexpected charges on my credit card.Something happened (or account hacked) on my account and unexpected charges on my credit card. my …
Anyone paid but get locked anyway?Well it's simple I pay my account with my credit card and the credit card system show it to me but …
Frozen sim card but payed 4,89 $ with "fizz refrigeration discoma" note ???Hey there! situation : I had a non valid credit card. So my account is frozen cause I haven't chang…
maximum of credit cards on accountI have been g trying to add a credit card to open a mobile account, i am getting a message saying i…
Voicemail upgrade pushed back?I've had the Free Voicemail upgrade on my account for several months. I applied it immediately but …
Account still frozen after updated payment has gone through?Account got frozen cause card got declined but even after switching and finishing the monthly payme…
Parler a quelqu'un par clavardageBonjour comment avoir la bulle pour clavardage?
paiement non reçuBonjour j’ai un paiement qui ont passé sur ma carte mais mon compte est bloqué pour non paiement ???
How can I stop fizz account?I'm gonna to leave Canada next month, I want to stop the mobile service in Fizz. But I cannot find …
How to finish activating the plan when the first pave regarding "your Montly Plan" is blocking the pThe process of activating my SIM card has crashed. When I return to my account to continue my activ…
Fizz won't fix add-on problem - bewareI had purchased another usa data add-on. Fizz ended it before even 1 month was up but will not ref…
Can’t change/update payment method and can’t get response from fb or get bubble popup. Help?I need to change my payment method, but when I try it says i’ve exceeded the max number of credit c…
I am blocked out of my account, had to make a new account. Also being charged for multiple lines. WhI can't log into my account at all. I even reset my password and it still does not work. The only w…
Gift data to mybfriend, the system to the data away from my account, but my friend did no receive itGift data to mybfriend, the system to the data away from my account, but my friend did no receive it
Do add-ons/badges give rewards program points?Bought a 2GB add-on for my account 2 weeks ago. It bugged out and I never got the "Sundae"…
When does the explorer badge get applied ?When a review the criteria for the explorer badge, it says you earn this when purchasing a travel a…
Upgrade swap says I need to wait until yesterdayYou didn't read wrongly neither I wrote it lamely. I have one slot for upgrade occupied by a 250MB …
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