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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
Discussion List
How do I complete an add-on transactionHow long does it take to become active?
Seems like my account have not been reactivatedI missed my first two payment this month and followed the two steps to reactivate my account so on …
Cant change my payment methodIm trying to switch credit card for payment and wont let me do it and always says: you cannot delet…
Merge 2 accountsMy parents currently have each their own accounts, I was wondering if it was possible to put both t…
Living Outside of Regular NetworkOn January 3rd, I left Montreal and moved permanently to a small community of the James Bay region …
Payment retardedHow can I pay fizz after the payday?
Had an appointment to set up internetHad an appointment to set up internet at home, i dont think no one showed up. I dont know how to re…
Do upgrades expire?I've had the voicemail upgrade for the longest time. it seems to have disappeared and now I am char…
Double billedHi, It seems that I have a charge to my account on April 7th of 39.85$ for something that I am not…
Can't change payment methodHi so i got a new credit card that i did activated but when i try to change my payment method it st…
Payment problemI need to make a payment please! not in the automated way thoug :$ HELP The first time didn't go …
Somebody else use my phone number, could you find what's happenned?It seems like someone else has the same mobile number with me. Could you find on your side, if ther…
how to contact Fizz on WhatsApp?what is the number that I should use to contact Fizz on WhatsApp?
How many points do we gain for gifting data?Do we gain points for each MB or for each gifting? and how many points?
Why can't I adjust my plan?I clicked 'Adjust my Plan', hoping to my data allowance. But a red msg displays: "You cannot …
I'm not receiving my email confirmationHi, I've just created my account and have to confirm my email through the email fizz is supposed to…
is the referral code considered personal info?According to the Community Hub, we are not supposed to post any personal information, but I've seen…
my roommate had the accountso last week unfortunately my roommate died and he had the control over the fizz account on the apa…
installation appointment cancellationHello, I have noticed that my credit card has been charged the full monthly charge even though the…
Unable to verify e-mailWhen attempting to purchase a phone and SIM I receive a message to verify my account, when I trigge…
Moving up the ladder?What is the optimal and most efficient way to move up the ladder on forum? From apprentice 1 to 2, …
Différence in price between my account and upgrade my planHey fizz community ! I actually pay 32$ per month for 2gb + unlimited call and text and Canada cov…
I had order a SIM card and status is showing delivered, but I cannot find the package.I had order a SIM card and status is showing delivered, but I cannot find the package. I have given…
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