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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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not able to order 4 sims to port 4 lines over from telusHi, I've been trying to order 4 sim cards from fizz website so I can port 4 lines from telus mobili…
People aren't able to leave me any voicemailsHello, Ever since Fizz has set up a new voicemail system in June, I have been having problems with…
My IMEI is correct but Fizz says it isntI'm trying to transfer my active phone number from virgin mobile to fizz but when I try the transfe…
Impossible faire appels ou textos ?Bonjour, Message: Mon forfait ne me le permet pas. J'ai vérifié mon forfait et mon compte, tout se…
I have an mobile network state disconnected issue can anyone fix itWhenever i try to connect to the internet, it saw me an error called mobile network state disconnec…
Payment method declined all the Timei tried many times many credit cards but they are all declined. I felt like I bought a garbage card.
Payment method declinedHello, The website keeps refusing my payment method which is a Canadian visa debit card. So, it sho…
How can I request adding a country to a data plan for roamingHello, I'd like to know how I can request adding or at least reviewing the options by the company f…
Credit card payment after a stolen cardI had a fraud on my credit card and I have to wait 5 to 7 days to receive my new one. But it's my d…
What would happen if I adjust my plan temporarily?Hi Fizz community, I have a mobile plan which I pay $34 for 4 GB/monthly. I need to increase my dat…
cellphone network issue - people cannot hear meStarted August 30th, Monday, been going on the whole week, everyday. I use my phone a lot. Issue is…
SIM card tracking says delivered, but actually it's notHello. Tracking says SIM card has been delivered with a signature that looks nothing like mine. I a…
Can I call forward fizz nb to VOIP like skype or CallHippo with voip US phone numbers?Can't seem to be able to do a call forward to a voip Skype US phone number. I have a Canada plan bu…
pay-per-use: Fizz still charged my montly plan feeHello, I'm with unlimited voice/text plan (Canada coverage and voicemail, no data). This cost me $2…
Lose sim card so need new oneHello, I suddenly realized that Fizz sim the card has been lost when I am back in Montreal. Can you…
No international calls working after I bought and International add-on and put funds in my walletI'm in Mexico and bought an International add-on for 6$, I've also put funds on my wallet. However,…
Nip messagerie « oublier »Bonjour, j’ai reçus un message vocal et j’ai voulus y accéder, mais c’était la première fois. J’ai …
donner des donnéesJe n'arrive pas a donner des données. Il me dit que mon forfait n'a pas assez de données
Impossible de me connecter à un réseau FizzSalut, j’ai transféré m carte SIM dans mon nouveau pixel 3a…je vois Fizz apparaître comme réseau ce…
How can I change my SIM card after activating an old SIM by mistake that I don't have anymore?Hi, I was a Fizz subscriber a couple of years ago. Today I tried to reactivate my old number, but I…
My sim carte is not still activatedI want to cancel my home internet that has not been still delivered and my sim carte is not activat…
CALL ISSUES - today September 3rdIs anybody having call issues today? I get calls with poor quality and static. Sometimes i cant hea…
J'ai besoin de mon numéro de compteJe ne vois à aucune place mon numéro de compte pour un transfert de ligne svp.
Mon enfant peut-il garder son n de tel et sa carte SIM sur son nouveau comotwJ’avais pris un forfait à mon enfant il y a 2 ans et il veut maintenant son propre compte Fizz ( av…
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