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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Way things apprea in the monthy invoiceMy employer pays for my phonebill, but only for items that appear them that are phone services rela…
comment your hacks to make points quicklyany hack ,3 points for you :-)
Data and gifts if I change plansI am on the 10GB/month plan. I have rollover data accumulated and the 2x20GB gifts on my account. I…
I can not login my account!I received an email regarding changing my Fizz account password, but I'm unable to do so. When I at…
What is your most used social mediafrom facebook, instagram, twitter or snapchat
Another Fizz surprise ! Thank youJust saw the 20Gb perk bonus for 150 days. x2 times Thanks
Whats the most important application on your phone right now?In term of usefulness.
Can't access account infoIs there an issue with the website right now? Can't access account info from multiple browsers.
Slow loading websiteHi! Does the Fizz website also load very slowly for other people? Regardless of my device or browse…
I login in my fizz account but after few seconds there is not any thing!My problem for login in my fizz account is not solved yet! When I login after few seconds it goes t…
Are there any competent specialists in the FIZZ team???Problem: When I log into my account, I see the site loading for a couple of seconds, then the page…
311 Help LineHi. I live in Toronto where there is a (dial) 311 Toronto service that provides access to non-emer…
I can't add a new paymentI input the correct name and my mastercard number and its information, I'm sure my card is active a…
I cannot update my payment…tried several times no successI tried several times to update my payment method with no success I need help !
Chat support so slowI open a chat and they are slow slow are responding still haven't got a answer
how many gb does you guys have?How many LTE do you guys have with your current plan?
Your current Fizz level - tips to level up?Any tips on levelling up to level 3? Been stuck on level 2 for a while and cant seem to gain more p…
Do I receive more points if i add more friends?Hey all, I just joined and have one friend already. If I add more friends, do I get points for each…
change my address to ottawaI have moved to ottawa and I want to change my address. I cannot do it in my account. I get an erro…
why is my voicemail only answering when people with fizz service call?why is my voicemail only answering when people with fizz service call?
Other cellular providersDid you guys do any extensive research on the other options for your phone plans? How is fizz price…
Fizz Badges not unlockingHi, I've been trying to get a couple of the Fizz badges, and while some of them are a bit harder to…
How does the badge thing work and what does it offer?i am new with fizz and i'm wondering if there's any benefice to gaining badges
METHOD PAYMENTwhy cantine you pay with your debit card?
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