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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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When I try to activate my SIM card, It appear that the SIM card is already assign to somebody.3 weeks ago I ordered a SIM card and activate it. But, at the last step the payment method didn't w…
Can I port my old Phone number at a later date?Is it possible to port my old phone number a month AFTER signing up for Fizz Mobile Service? What I…
Anyone haveing issue receiving SMS today?Since this morning around 9:30 (last time I received a SMS) I have not been able to receive any SMS…
Why isn't my SIM card activated?My SIM has been working for 2 months on the Fizz network but today a message states the it has not …
New account NOT WORKING?Hi there. I just have my account activated yesterday. I made a mistake for my plan. How can I make …
The site says that on day 1 of my new cycle I consumed 2Gb, is it normal?The 2Gb may have come from the fact that I was given 2Gb (which I fully used) in my first cycle ...…
why i do have no Internet on my cellphoneYesterday when I received my Sim card and activet it,I had mobile internet. From this morning I hav…
I have perks and upgrades in my account but no data in plan, will I be able to apply these to get daIs there any difference between perks or upgrades with regards to having no data in plan?
why is it not letting me add my card ?My old card was canceled at the bank so I attempted to put a new payment method with my credit card…
Mretrieveconf Billing Error text0 ?I have two lines on my account and both have been receiving MMS messages from some iPhone users, so…
Can Any1 Urgent Please If PossibleI posted a request yesterday & one person was nice to help me but I can't access the email to a…
I forgot my voice mail pin? Can I reset it?How can I reset my voice mail? I forgot my password
Personal Hotspot - iOS 12.1 not working error “Contact Carrier”?I’m getting an error when trying to enable my personal hotspot on iOS 12.1. This is the latest upda…
My card stoped working so i arraised it and i cant add a new one.What do i do?My card stoped working so i araised it and i want to add a new one but it sais that ive reached the…
Can Someone Help If Possible ?I am very low on my data as i had a serious incident recently & the person or persons that it i…
Twitter Text messagesWhy can't I get Twitter messages? Will it be possible? Thanks
List of ALL Fizz major PROBLEMS and ETA REQUEST from Fizz?I'm creating a list of all major problems we are experiencing and request that Fizz address these A…
Why is nothing moving at Fizz?Months have passed and nothing is changing, yes the real MAJOR issues has been solved but so many i…
Twitter Notifications not working?Why isn't twitter SMS working? when will it work?
cannot send/receive sms or multimedia textsjust ported my cell# over to fizz 48hrs ago and cannot send/receive SMS texts. APN settings are com…
How much per minute for prepaid calls?I believe it is 10c per minute when you use the funds in your wallet to make a call however i notic…
No incoming text messages?Hello, I'm with fizz for about a week now. I have not been receiving any of my text messages. I can…
I am unable to access my data on my iPhone even though I paid for it as an add-on for my plan?I am having difficulties accessing my data and it is frustrating because I paid for it but it is no…
Iphone 4 : no data - unable to set APNHi With Iphone 4 i am not able to set APN. Same problem as in the picture but displays : Set up pe…
Official list of incompatible devices?I saw that many have devices that do not work with Fizz network but haven't found an official list …
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