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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Xiaomi Pocophone F1. Does it work with Fizz?Plain and simple. Will Pocophone F1 from Xiaomi work with Fizz? If it does i will order my sim card…
What is the maximum timeframe length I can be in the United State with FIZZ? What happens if I extenIam planning on staying in the US more than 4 months, how much will it cost if I use FIZZ?
Why can't I send out receive mms or access data since yesterday?I can't send or receive mms neither can I access mobile data since yesterday. I checked my APN and …
Voicmail resetting ?Hi! Am I the only one with voicemail problems ? Everytime I get a new voicemail I get asked to crea…
How long does it take to have a issue fixed after contacting fizz's support team?I'll soon pass into my next cycle and would like to know how much time i'll have to wait for suppor…
I have an unlimited SMS plan, can I send messages to Cuba?I have tried to send several sms to different numbers in Cuba and none has been received. I have an…
Why I can not get 4G LTE, I only have a 3G connection. I tried with 5 different cell phones, none woWhy I can not get 4G LTE, I only have a 3G connection. I tried with 5 different cell phones, none w…
Fizz is not honouring the deal price?There is supposed to be a deal where my plan is $30.60 because of this so called stabilization peri…
SMS verificationJe ne reçois pas les SMS de vérification de mes institutions financière c’est un problème majeur en…
Anybody in Pembroke who is using Fizz with 613-281-abcd number?I have a family member in Perbroke Ontario, she wants use Fizz and his number is 613-281-abcd. Is…
Refferal of $ 25 is simply said SCAM ?Sent numerous questions and create numerous tickets with FIZZ representatives. DO NOT believe FIZZ…
Updated list of Fizz problems (ex: SMS 2-factor authentication)?There are many post with reported problems but is there somewhere a complete (and regularly updated…
Voicemail doesn't work?We have 3 accounts with, on all 3 of them we pay for the voicemail. It does not work, at ALL
Snow bird coverage question?Couldn't seem to add a question on the similiar post, Prices look good but my wife and myself are s…
SIM card not received and refundMy order status shows the SIM card is delivered on May 1, 2019. But it is not yet received in my ha…
inertnet et cell fizzdepuis que j`ai transféré a fizz mon cell, je n`ai plus accès à internet dessus, même si j`ai pris …
Date and timing that shows on mobile phone is not correct as actual.The date and timing that shown on my mobile phone isn't correct. Such as today May 6,19 but the pho…
I can send Sms, but the other side does not get it. It has been tested on 6 different phones.I can send Sms, but the other side does not get it. It has been tested on 6 different phones. Every…
I have data to give. Who needs it?I have 3 x 500 mb to give. Let me know if you want some of it.
Is there a way to get a detailed log of all my phone calls over a given billing period? (Feature reqMy previous provider (that shall remain nameless) provided a detailed log of all my phone calls cov…
Anyone else having an issue adding a new contact?I just tried to add a new contact to give data. I get an error message when trying to search for th…
Short Code SMS from Desjadins not working on fizz.Just wanted to let everyone know that short codes wuth desjardins have not worked for me with fizz.
Why aren't plan more detailed?Why aren't the plans coverages for mobile more detailed. When choosing my plan I found it impossibl…
Comment changer les paramètres de ma boîte vocale?Je suis incapable d’accéder aux paramètres de ma boîte vocale, notamment pour changer la langue ou …
what would happen if I change my plan now?Hello, I realized I have more data than I can use and am considering changing my plan to better fit…
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