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Questions and answers about the Home Internet service: the plans, the Fizz Wi-Fi app, the modem, etc.
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What is the procedure if move too another appartment, do I keep my modem and plug it on the wall andWhat is the procedure if move too another appartment, do I keep my modem and plug it on the wall an…
Paid for data and did not received?Paid for added data. Where is it?
Wifi Range extender with Fizz router ?Hi Everyone, I just subscribed with Fizz and thinking of having a wifi range extender to cover some…
Payment with no Internet ServiceHI, Payments have been made to my credit card even if I don't have Internet.
Change the modem nameHello! I've noticed that my router name, when plugged in with an Ethernet cable, is not named the s…
Switching from 5Ghz to 2GhzI am trying to connect a smart light bulb to the wifi, which requires it to be set at 2.4 GHz. I th…
How can I cancel internet if the main user left the appartment?My cousin left our appartment earlier this summer without changing the (Fizz) Internet setting. He …
How to setup a 5Ghz only wifi connection on the Fizz modem?Hi! How do I setup my wifi so I have a connection that is only 5Ghz? It's unclear on the fizz modem…
Home internet problemHi, I have been experiencing some problem with my fizz internet for the last 4 days. I have some v…
200/50 plan, upload capped at 33.Upgraded a week ago to the new plan. Did all the basic steps (power cycles, direct RJ45 to the rout…
Ethernet and Wi-Fi down?There have been some power outages in my neighborhood recently. Since then, my Fizz modem-router ha…
Modem LAN port speedI know that the Hitron modem/router supplied y Fizz is capable of 1G LAN speeds according to the sp…
Hi, i was wondering do i have to cancel my previous internet company(Altima) before i set an appointMy Previous company was Altima telecom(Cable with videotron)
Unable to update the Modem Password?What a total nightmare it's been. I am unable to update my Modem password. They only I can update t…
Does Fizz and videotron have simultaneous outagesCan switching to videotron fix outage problems that I have with fizz or are they all linked and res…
Speed of the Internet today is very disappointingThe speed of the Internet today is very disappointing. I work from home and I would like to know if…
"Could not communicate with your google home" issue. Anyone?Hello. I just got my new connection and have issue connecting my google home to WiFi. My google hom…
Internet connection stoppedI had an unsuccessful payment, so I ended up paying my monthly plan with a different card. My inter…
payement methode?Hi Dear, My Name is Elhamsadat I signed in Fizz and chose my internet plan and scheduled a meeting …
Why am I having lag in my video calls?I just switched internet providers from Techsavvy where I had 20 mgs download and never had issues …
Only 561GB appears on a 5TB drive connected to my Fizz Router, why?I'm trying to connect a usb powered drive to my Fizz Router. It's a 5TB, formatted in NTFS. It's em…Answered ✓ Closed Louis-Philippe D. #17078 137 views 7 comments 21 points Most recent by Domenico C. #4571
Modem offline after trying to restart a couple of times?It’s been almost 48h that wifi is down.
card renewal dela?My account was frozen since there wasn't enough on my card. I paid it an hour later, when can I hav…
Cancelled account wish to reactivateI had cancelled my internet service with fizz when I did not receive the speed I had paid for. I ha…
is it easy to switch from bell to fizz? any pitfalls?Are there any problems switching from bell to fizz?
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