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Questions and answers about the Home Internet service: the plans, the Fizz Wi-Fi app, the modem, etc.
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coda 4680 Router - does it have an internal fan?I few days ago I upgraded to videotrons Helix router. The router has a constant humming noise whic…
new internet installation ?If i raise a request for new internet installation, by when i can expect the installation.
No home internet !!! DNS SERVER NO FOUNDI don't have home internet. DNS server no found. How can help? my wife has exam!!!
Is Arris powerline good ?Hi guys, I have two Arris powerline (model GPE2001B and model GPE1003] from Bell. I wonder if I ca…
Wifi modem not emittingMy wifi modem has stopped emitting a signal and I don't know why. I tried unplugging it, resetting …
Why is my internet connection breaking up so much?I have been issues woth my internet and wifi today and last friday. It keeps breaking up. I’ve reco…
no internet connection on 2.4ghz band...why???i cannot connect to the internet using the 2.4ghz band. 5ghz works fine.
How to postpone Fizz internet service?Hello Fizz I would like to ask you a question related to Fizz internet service. My family with thre…
Restarted but Cant Reconnect?I was having some connection issues so I restarted my internet and then tried to reconnect after an…
My plan says 120mbps but i never reach more than 70Hey guys, I have a 120 mbps plan i leave in montreal and i noticed for about a month that whenever …
How many hours before should I cut my current service to replace with new ISP?How many hours before installation should I cut my current service to replace with new ISP(fizz) ?
What's with the constant modem failure ?Any veteran on here who could tell me if this is a regular thing with fizz ? Idk if I missed the pa…
No internet for more than 2 hrs??I believe there is issue with internet connection for more than 2 hrs, No blue lights in my wifi ro…
Bad internet connectionBad internet connection, always drop
New install. Cannot log onto the wifi?I just got installed the modem and decided to do auto installation. I see my network on the availab…
Ive got no internet connection from my modemHow can i get internet working
No internet modem or internet signal?I have no internet the modem 2.4g and 5g lights are on steady, can i get some customer service help?
Payment refused but receipt said approvedWhy is it so hard , ok ure 100% internet but if we all join together to the crtc we can have you cl…
Internet Subscription IssueI am trying to subscribe Internet plan but its not going through, After choosing the date for Insta…
Question about referral bonusI am interested in adding a 2nd address I manage for my parents, can I refer myself or should I hav…
Internet bug 10 dec ?Is the internet speed is low today for all ?
"The application functionality is currently disabled by your Service Provider" can you help!?I don't have internet since yesterday and I don't get why. When I try connecting from my phones wif…
How do I rename my wifi network and change my wifi password?I would like to change my wifi network name and my wifi network password. I cannot find an answer t…
My internet is still not working after you re-activated my account ?Im getting fed up that I have to try to find every solution and not talking to a real person ! My …
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