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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Upgrades last 2 years?Hey there, I am wondering if upgrades last 2 years after I start using them (add them to a free slo…
What is the value of the badges?I keep getting notifications on the new badges. What is the values of them?
I am over my data limit, and paying less then usual?im over my data limit plan but i didnt choose to buy more data and im paying less? is there a mista…
Level up benefits: are they the same for everyone and, is their a way to find out what they will beAre the "level up benefits" the same for everyone (Internet subscribers/ mobile subscribe…
I need to set up pre-authrized payment from my chequing accountI need to set up pre-authrized payment from my chequing account
How do I equip a badge on the forums?I won some badges but I don't know how to equip them. How do I do that?
How often do you obtain Perks?I received a Perk on sign-up, have used it and now have another I'll user soon. I would assume it d…
Adress on billing ?I want to have my name and adress in my billing adress. How can I make it possible .
How to pay with a new cardI can't pay with my old card and now I change a new card but I can't pay also
Fizz community profile, how does it work?Hi guys! I don't understand how the community system works. My account is set up in French. I asked…
Changing my phone number by Porting another number?Since my new job will be paying for my cell hpone i will be transffering my Phone number from Fizz …
how do you know you received a gift?how do you know when you received a gift? Didn't receive any, just wondering.
Consolidated Invoices (phone + internet)?I need a consolidated invoice with both the phone and internet on it.. not two separate ones. How c…
Unable to Change PlanMy sons account has been dormant since March because cell phone was broken. Have been paying 10$ or…
Is it better to upgrade quickly ?Should I try to upgrade levels as fast as I can or would it be better to let time pass and unlock t…
leaving townwill I get charged when using my phone our of town but still in Canada ie from quebec to toronto?
Connection and refundI opened an account in order to use your internet, but I have never connected to your services and …
Credit card ?Cannot erase old credit card
I have been charged two bills even tho I've been with Fizz one month, anyone else?The first bill dated from when I ordered my modem and the second dated from when I received the mod…
i am unable to see prices off add ons on international calls?i want to call ouside of canada i selected the country in the add ons for international call but i …
My Rewards points didn't move up a level?Who would be able to look into My Rewards points? It's stuck at level one with -192 points to level…
suspicious charge on credit card ?I was charged for a Fizz activation fee on my credit card while I have only a mobile plan...
Why was a plan added to my account?I've just received a text telling me I had a new plan activated under my account, something I did n…
Account settings problemMe and my girlfriends have a fizz account. When I try to call her it goes to my voice mail and I ca…
Mike made it to 500K !!I think Mike deserves a shout out for reaching 500k on the English board as well. Congrats Mike! Th…
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