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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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35$ rebate from Friend invite?I have 2 friends that used my invite code and I know have 70$ rebate pending since april 2020. We a…
is the 25$ reward on a phone plan for every month or a one time thing?i recently saw that i have a 25$ off a mobile plan... i was wondering if this a credit applied only…
i want to cancel my subcription before its coming home, how can i do it?i want to cancel right now so its not coming at my place
How does your community rating go up?How does one increase their community rating? Is it simply by asking and answering questions?
Referral bonus pending?Hi I have a referral bonus still pending but it's pass my 3rd payment cycle. I though you got your …
How to update modem return status?I returned my modem several weeks ago but today I received an email stating that it was not returne…
Can you transfer 2nd number under the same fizz account to a new fizz account?I have 2 numbers under my fizz account. My own and my sons and since I cannot put different paymen…
How to quickly increase in Levels. Im stuck at level 2 for the past 2 months. any advice?How did you manage to pass from level 2 to 3 and 4? it seems impossible
Fizz in Nova Scotia?I am going to halifax for a while, will i have service there? I was there in july and it only worke…
Bonus 3$ in publicity ? Did someone have it ?I saw the little pig with 3$ in the publicity. Where did Fizz mention it ?
I need help with my connection?Could you help me up grade my connection? The account is still under another name but it’s my credi…
How does data works in other provinces ? (after plan changes)So right now I have a plan for Quebec with 4GB of Data, let's say next month I renew for a Canada p…
Referral code when adding new plan?I would like to know if it’s possible to add a referral code to my plan. I am with fizz with my pho…
Can't finish activation, never got email. CAPTCHA doesn't work. SIM card sent to wrong address, corrStill waiting for the final email to complete activation(since around 4pm yesterday). Please correc…
Error with the transaction History _shortcode.undefined ?Hi, i'm trying to print out My mobile transaction History but I can't see the last 4 month. It giv…
Why my referral bonus was canceled?Please see the screenshot and help me understand why my referral bonus has status canceled?
How can I cancel my account because I have returned to my home countryHello there, I have returned to my home country and will no longer use my number and my payment in …
Change account information?I have added a new card information and I must delete the first card wich expiray date is 05/22
What gets you points?Is there a document that lists all the actions that can give you points and how much they give?
If my account is suffering of 2-3days can we make some deal with fizz for the payment ?Can i have a little delay?
Only 3 slots for bonuses?I find 3 slots totally insufficient. I have already bonuses I can't even use and I am only at level…
-1000 PTS to level 4?I just happen to check fizz reward program today and it indicates that I am -1000 ~ points towards …
How many points are needed to get the 3 slots?See the subject.
New payment methodsDo you think Fizz will introduce new payments methods? - Automatic bank transfer from a link bank a…
Can I save a Chat?Can I save a Chat for future reference?
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