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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Enable "voicemail" sooner than next month?I just signed up yesterday and after noticed that I forgot to add the voicemail option. I went back…
roaming doesn't work?Hi. I have US + Canada and my friend has Canada. Both of us cannot access the Internet when in Onta…Answered ✓ Closed Elizabeth J. #17914 937 views 7 comments 19 points Most recent by Elizabeth J. #17914
Messagerie vocale . Je n'arrive pas à écouter ma messagerie vocale. Comment puis je accéder ? MerciMessagerie vocale . Je n'arrive pas à écouter ma messagerie vocale. Comment puis je accéder ? Merci
Roaming in Toronto/Hamilton?Do anyone know if the roaming/service works well in Toronto and Hamilton area?
Who wants free data ?I have some few data to spare, anyone would be interested? I m giving out to get the badge
What can we do to prevent our account from being transferred to another company?I've seen this article recently "Canadian consumers stung by cellphone porting scam" on G…
Method paymyHow I change my payment method?
Receiving voicemail text messages from Fizz when no voicemail is left?Problem persists daily. How can I turn off VM without affecting my current plan?
Source code not foundCan not transfer unused data. Says source code not found with tell number or email.
Les appels ne fonctionnent pas?Je ne suis pas capable d’appeller quelqu’un! De mon côté, ça ne sonne pas. Mais l’autre personne re…
Excessive payments?I was charged 3 times for my internet bill within a week. How does one get a refund?
Why I cannot find my plan?After going to My Plans in my Fizz account, no information is there and ask me to create a plan.
Update a new card for paymentsHello, my prepaid expires this month so I must change my payment method, but when I try to update a…
change payment card?how can i change the card registered for the payment. system dont allow me to remove the existing c…
adding a fourth sim card to the same address?seesm Fizz has a restriction on the number of accounts or at least the number of Sims cards that ca…
wallet moneyWasn't sure i see the right answer in community. Can i pay my bill by redeeming money from the wal…
Is there a way to record the dtmf tone to my greeting message?When someone rings the building buzzer at my apartment complex, I answer and dial 9 to let them in.…
Do I need to order fizz sim to transfer my number to fizz?I'm just curious and want to know Thanks
Why is my 3G not working?I made my paiement for my second month and now my 3G LTE is not working, some one explain, please
Do I have to call to cancel my old mobile plan?Do I have to cancel my Vidéotron mobile plan that I had before registering to Fizz or do I have to …
Can I get gifted data with a plan without data?I saw this:…
Data to giveAnyone has data to give? I will be forever grateful.
I was assigned a *** number that is a long-distance call for anyone living in *******. I live in LonI was assigned a *** number when joining Fizz. I live in *******. My landline number is using *** t…
Why is my number being answered by someone else?I recently transferred my number to Fizz, but people are calling me and someone else is answering. …
Does adding money to my wallet give me points?Does adding money to my wallet give me points?
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