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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Call Couldn't ConnectI have been having problems using WhatsApp for calls. My phone says "Call Couldn't Connect. Co…
Disable notification about gifting unused rollover dataI'm getting emails about having unused data, but that data is all on rollover and can't be gifted. …
Données cellulaire ne fonctionne pas sur mon asusIl semble que je ne comprends pas comment activer les données sur mon cell, après plusieurs tentati…
2 lignes sur le meme compte2 lignes sur le meme compte
Why does Fizz not allow me to call 511?A few months ago was the second time that our car broke down on a freezing highway, and when we tri…
Lost my sim card activation code, is there a way to activate it anyways?It's all in the title, I have the sim card but lost the activation code, any way I can activate it …
Changing number, can I transfer a number to an already activated SIM from Fizz?I already have an activated SIM from fizz and another one from another company. I wanna keep my num…
How to make call from US to QC?Paid for US roaming but I am can't seem to make a call from US to QC. What am I doing wrong?
Why Fizz referral never release after 3 billing cycles?I got a few $35 referrals from last Christmas , 3 cycles password and still no released. Why Fizz r…
Cell is still not workigtransfer like on saturday from videotron and still no service
Data added monthly?Does rollover data adds up for your next cycle only or it can be stored continuously?
Upgrading to higher levels?Hi everyone, Being new here I would like to know how much time it might take to reach level 2 ? Do …
How do I get the deleted voicemail back?I deleted my voice message by mistake. Can I retrieve it? (Undelete)
I did an update on my phone now my data isn't connectingI did an update on my phone and now i have no data network and cannot access mobile data even thoug…
I have deleted my only payment method and it says that the maximum is reached. How can i fix that ovI deleted my first payment to add another and it keeps telling me that ive gotten to the max of car…
I activated my SIM card yesterday. Videotron said to keep the number they need Fizz to request. DoesI activated my Fizz SIM card yesterday, network shows Fizz and is working with my previous number -…
Canada/US plan is now 2$ cheaper a month?Hello Group, I just though I would advise for those of you who have a Canada/US plan... mine is now…
moving in europehow to quit because im leaving Canada
My sim was delivered but got stolen possibly because the delivery person taped it to the door of a 2My sim was delivered but got stolen possibly because the delivery person taped it to the door of a …
Is there a long distance package to call the UK?Is there a long distance package to call the UK? I cannot find one in the menu.
Calling the UK while in the US?I have the CAN/US plan. 1) Can I call the UK while in the US? 2) What's the cost per minute to a ce…
Wrong plan displayed in my account blocking me to add an add-on. How can i fix this?I changed plans to a plan with no minutes. I go back today and in my plan it still displayed "…
USA Travel AddOn Not Working?I already purchased a USA Travel AddOn. However, after coming here (California and Chicago) it isn'…
Flip phone ZTE Z223 compatible with Fizz?Is the flip phone ZTE Z223 compatible with Fizz? Other equivalent flip phones that are also compati…
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