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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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I lost my SIM, How to get replacment SIM?I lost my SIM, How to get replacment SIM?
I haven't gotten a date for two months!Hello Why I have not received data for two months?? Please check out my plan. I need my data!
Please help meHello, I have not received a data for 2 months. Please tell me why? I really think about change e…
Mon téléphone ne repère pas ma carte SIMBonsoir j'ai commandé une carte SIM pour mon copain on l'a activé mais son téléphone ne repère pas …
I never received my SIM card, I contacted the shipping company, they told me to contact Fizz, whereI've ordered twice a SIM card, never received any of them, don't know who to contact to get a reimb…
Sometime my mobile shows no servicesince last week my cellphone sometimes lost service, sometime service come back,
Do I add a data travel add-on before the upcoming bill cycle in order for it to take effect during tMy new payment cycle begins on the 8th and I travel on the 15th. Must I add the travel data add-on …
I activated a data perk, but I can't use data on my phoneHello! I activated a data perk, and made sure that the APN is set up, but when I activate using dat…
In usa with plan but no service, cant call or text?I have a Canada USA plan and it usually works great. But on my Samsung s9 now and no text or callin…
The voice quality?I have problem with the quality of voice calling. It's unclear and noisy. I have to ask people to r…
new voicemail voice?I would really like a new voice for my voicemail, preferably female. But a different male voice co…
Voicemail doesn't workI press on 1 and keep my finger there like they ask. It opens the voicemail and hangs up automatica…
Travel Add on for texting not working in EuropeHi! I’ve successfully purchased a travel add on for texting and calling in the European Coverage ar…
Does gifting a data perk count towards data gifting badges?Does gifting data PERK count towards gifting data badges? Thanks
Referral bonus going to de-activated phone line?When I first joined Fizz (late-2018) I got a new number to test out the service and over that time …
Anyone need data ?I have 2x500 Mo to give away : anyone interrest ?
Who would like free data?Hello, I have a few gigs to give away. Send me your number and I'll send 512MB to you!
Phone service bug?I cant make phone calls right now my phone service is not letting me do it and I have unlimited cal…
How can I send or receive mms pics or videos?How can I send or receive mms pics/vids on my Samsung Galaxy A8?
No LTE service on my galaxy s5. Can anyone help.?Hi I have a galaxy s5. Phone was fine until I crossed the border into NY. Lost mobile data. No inte…
No phone network? (on 16/03/2020)Cannot connect to internet (no network) in my phone on 16 march 2020 (around 9am), but Fizz website…
Unable to make calls across Canada?I have Quebec coverage, but I am unable to call my family in BC even though I’m still currently in …
How to make a conference call?Could someone explain how to make a conference call? I have an Android. Thanks!
Can i get a phone bill with my names and address?Can fizz help to get a payment bill statement with my name and address on it except that nameless t…
Any progress for VoLTE, wifi calling, eSIM?I know that this has already been addressed but I wanted to check on it again. The infrastructure a…
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