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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
Discussion List
New VoicemailIs there a way to integrate the old voicemail saved messages with the new voicemail so I do not nee…
Cannot listen to messageI've just received a message, but I can't listen to it. The voicemail simply say: " you have 1…
cannot activate sim cardJust received a new sim card to activate another unit , 3 in total but every time I get to the fina…
My data is not working and I don’t know why.Hey, my monthly payment wasn’t successful last week but I rectified it the very next day. The payme…
Delivery Fizz sim card failedDear supportdesk, Thank you for the answer by email but the buyer is not responsible for the delive…
URGENT - My Account Website is DOWN - CANT BE REACHEDI have entered my password to log into my account on the website so that I can change my pl…
Is it possible to have two phones numbers in one fizz account?Is it possible to have two phones numbers in one fizz account? I'm asking this because I haven't be…
$1 Award not applied to my June 2021 billThe $1 award was always applied automatically to my mobile plan bill. However, it was not applied t…
Data not working outside of Quebec on Canadawide planHey everyone! My partner is in Nova Scotia on a Quebec Fizz plan but she has Canada-wide but for so…
Could I transfer my American number into a Canadian number, in order for it to be the same?I currently have an American number, and I was wondering if it was possible for me to keep that num…
Tech Issue: Can't Access Voicemail Since June 9th 2021 Update.Greetings, A few of us at least have been unable to access our voicemail since the new system on Ju…
Issue activating voicemail.I've added voicemail to my plan which came into effect over a week age, but after dialing (1) the s…
Cannot hear my voicemail?When attempting to listen to my voicemails, I hear a voice that's different from the usual one. It …
Can I use my SIM card with a Wireless Data USB Stick like HSDPA 7.2 mbpsCan I use my SIM card with a Wireless Data USB Stick like HSDPA 7.2 mbps
Change voicemail numberHi I wanted to use another voicemail service then the one from Fizz but when I go in android to mod…
Why is Fizz so broken and arrogant?Fizz has basically no way to get in touch with anyone regarding technical issues. It's extremely fr…
Why can’t I suddenly make or receive calls or text?Out of the blue . tried calling with landline and I get a call can’t be completed at this time mess…
No Service.. This is Seriously Messed UpHi, What can I do here? My new plan kicked in 5 days and just prior to that I lost my phone. So I …
I just received my sim card. When I try to activate it , the web site seem to be inoperate...As I said why the site to activate my sim card does not work?
New voicemail doest not workSince the new voicemail activation, i cannot acces to it. I press 1 and them a message indicate tha…
Sharing line with SmartwatchDid anyone manage to activate their smartwatch by sharing your plan (line and data) with it? I'm l…
What happens when you run out of data?Sorry if this is in a FAQ, but I didn’t see it: if you run out of data, does your mobile internet j…
What is the most cost efficient way of call a single number in the US frequently?I am calling a single number in the US two or three times a month for 60 minutes each call. I am c…
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