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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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why i can't press next?So I selected my plan and pressed next and added my home address and pressed next and I selected my…
My phone can not be dial in and outwhen I dial out, it asks to dial 6-1-1 ???
What happens at level 6?What benefits are unlocked at level 6, and how do I unlock a second rebate for my mobile perks? At …
Fizz android applicationHi, Is there any android application that we can manage our account with Fizz?
need to contact employeeHi, i have been trying to contact you guys but I can't. Every time I try to find the bubble to talk…
I need to change my emailHi I just changed my email and I am not able to change it on my fizz account can an employee help m…
Can't log in my account?Hi, I can't log in my account. I change from Fizz to Bell and I need my account number, but I can't…
Could not gift to a contact?I am trying to gift my data to an existing Fizz member. I saw via other questions that the contact …
Can you use referral credits for travel add-ons?Is this possible somehow?
1000 mins to.India?Can I.start making calls to.India. Can India.number directly from my phone. Is there any cod…
Want some mobile data ? I have some to give :)Just PM me and I can gift you some data :)
lost sim card?Hello, I ordered a new sim card however my address changed and I'm in a new address can you resend …
I've one account for cell phones and 1 account for internet, I wish to have both on same account?I have 2 accounts, I've one account for cell phones and 1 account for internet, I wish to have both…
Como combiar mi correoEl correo esta mal
Why does my call add on doesn't work when il try to call in Argentina?I just paid for 60 min call for Argentina and it does not work. Why Is there no number to call for …
Monthly Plan randomly deactivated?I just tried to make a call and it said my current plan doesn't allow it. I then go and check my ac…
Badge Disappeared?What happened to my Fizz community badge? Once I received the special gift badge, the other disappe…
Whats my Account number?Can you provide me with my acxount number
Does anyone have a referral code?New to fizz... Does anyone have a referral code?
How do I Merge My Internet & Phone Payments into One Payment ?The payment date for my internet subscription is different from the date for my phone subscription(…
REFERENCE numberHow can i add a reference number after i have activated my cellphone ( i did it today) thank you
Unable to add fizz contact?Used both phone number and email address, however the search shows no results. Verified the search …
216 pts for level 2 how to get kudos quickly?How to level up quickly so I can reach level 3 faster?? Thank you!
Leveling up faster?Is there ways to level faster?
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