Do you want the solution to send PERK despite the bug of adding contacts?

Hello everyone, I did the experiment this morning and it works. I share it with you now.

Want to send gifts but it's not possible since the person is not in your contact list? Simple. Send him an invitation: "Invite friends". You send him an invitation to his email and WoW, his email is now in your contact list. Then you can send as many perks as you want! Just ask for the person's email as a private message.

If you like my solution, I like your kudos since I want to go to level 5 to have the 3rd box!

Thank you and generous hearts, you can give your FIZZ Perks !!!

Best Answer


  • Mario_FQDZA
    Mario_FQDZA Posts: 4,068 ✭✭
    Kudos to Luc, smart find but Fizz forces me to use Outlook to send an email and that is not the email service I'm using with Fizz so no dice for me.
  • LemonHead
    LemonHead Posts: 355 ✭✭
    Here's a kudo. Thx for the info!
  • classy_k
    classy_k Posts: 2 ✭✭
    A great workaround, thank you, it worked for me.
  • Steve C. #40998
    Steve C. #40998 Posts: 22 ✭✭
    Thanks for the workaround Kudos for you!
  • oberon
    oberon Posts: 91 ✭✭
    Kudos for your tip.
  • Mestapha
    Mestapha Posts: 160 ✭✭
    A great workaround, thank you, it worked for me.
    Here is a kudos for you.
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