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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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I can't send DataI can't send Data, when I click on send data it will bring me to the how to send data page Any idea…
is there a way to reply to a support ticket sent with the contact form?I open a tick via the contact form about the rollover not showing after my 1st billing cycle, I go…
Referral code question?I know the code has to be entered and you have to click the green arrow to get the message at top o…
any news on level 6 rewards?did anyone get to level 6 recently and receive any rewards?
We often try for the new SIM to activate and we can't ?We often try for the new SIM to activate and we can't ?
What are the Locked Upgrades after the 250MB, can any one tell?What are the Locked Upgrades after the 250MB, can any one tell?
I still haven't got my refund after 3 weeksI transferred my phone from fizz to fido 3 weeks ago and I still haven't received my full refund ye…
Why can't I see my plan?When I logged in to my account, i can't see my plan. But I am using Fizz's network, for calls, sms,…
Refer a friend - max amount?Is there a max number of $25 credits I can earn? What if I signed up two of my family members as re…
not able to delete payment method?I get a message " not able to delete payment method because it is associated with a active acc…
How do I unlock more upgrade slots?As written in the title.
how change name in service agreement?how can I change my my name in service agreement? this is urgent.
Where is my referal bonuses in 2018?I have quite a few referral bonus sitting in my accounts. Most are pending but 3 are cleared alread…
Transfer my number to FizzI transferred my number and officially began the new service with Fizz, do I still need to call my …
Alternate communication to Fizz when Fizz account is hacked ?If my Fizz account is being hacked, How can I notify Fizz ( my password and my email could hav…
How do i manually make a payment after a failiure?My payment failed, even though I was able to use my credit card to pay for the first month of servi…
I didn’t receive my sim cardsOrered two sim cards. but didn’t receive any of them. The staus says they are delivered. Can you ex…
need help reseting voice mail i dont have the pin?i am setting up my phone for the first time it is asking a pin i dont have my pin
Could you lose a phone number after porting?I ported in my number from viedotron and it failed then it asked me to choose a new number, so i di…
Is the $25 bonus before tax or after tax?I got a referral, so I have $25 to pay my invoice in future. Here is my question: Is $25 before ta…
My $25 credit referrals have disappearedFor the ones who have $25 referral credits that have vanished, here is the solution: . From "M…
Payment question?So I am very confused on the payment that was just taken out. I have a $40 per month plan. I also h…
Did anyone else lose their referrals? I no longer see my two referrals on the referral page.My Profile -> Referral Bonuses I no longer see my two referrals and I haven't been paid for them…
How do you cancel sub user account?I cannot cancel my account, went to manage plan but the "unsubscribe" button does not exit
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