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Your Fizz Account
Anything and everything about your Fizz account: settings, the My Rewards loyalty program, referral bonuses, etc.
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Best ways to increase your level?What are the best ways to increase your level and gather points in Fizz?
cancelled data plan, how to add it back instead of buying add-on only?I cancelled my data plan, want to add it back but did not see the option to add back after getting …
problem applying referral bonus to bill?I currently have 3 referral bonuses that should be ready to use, as their status say ''discount on …
i can not login to my account?my account is blocked.they said I have to use chat tool to solve this.where is CHAT TOOL?even my se…
Does Fizz gives back your money automatically after switching back to your old company?Hello guys, may be as you must know, this company is HORRIBLE, there's no customer service phone nu…
Voicemail addon over exisiting voicemail plan?I have voicemail with my plan If i add the addon for having free voicemail, will I still be charged…
I cannot see an invoice for my monthly charges?Hi there, I cannot generate a PDF for my monthly charges...when I click on Download when I select a…
Can a fizz worker take my auto payment before my 7 grace days are over? I put another card on defaulI put a new card on my account but the auto payment didnt go yet. Please take it before my account …
Je veux payer mon forfait, mais aucune possibilité pour le faire,comment je peux réglé ça ?Comment faire pour payer mon forfait ?
how long does it take for referrals to show up in the accounti refereed a few people but it does show up nowhere in my account I know they activated their line.…
Forgot voicemail pin?I don't have the SMS with the voicemail pin so I can't seem to access my voicemail. Do you know how…
Unlimited Calling to US?If I have the US and Canada coverage plan does that give me unlimited calling to US numbers? Also d…
Why is My Prepaid Vanilla Mastercard always being declined?I have used this prepaid card once before and it worked. I even added money to my wallet. Now my ac…
More wallet fun?What the he!l
Wallet continues to empty?I put $10 in my wallet in December just to get the badge. I have a full us/Canada plan and yet my w…
The system is not giving me the option to transfer my funds?Hello, I would like to transfer the funds that I have in my wallet to my current plan, but it's not…
how to modify my shipping adress before activate my sim card ?I ordered a sim card that i never received because incomplete shipping adress. Now i try to modify …
Why on my account I'm Level 2, but on the forum I'm Apprentice 3/5?Does anybody has an answer for this and their meaning?
I made a payment but still no reactivated service, what do I do ?So I was charged to my card for my payment and it should of reactivated my services with fizz but i…
Beta price/Add-ons ++ When is it activated?Don't know if anyone can help me on this one, If I benefited a Beta price for my monthly payments, …
How does the Voicemail upgrade work?So I was able to add the VoiceMail upgrade to one of my upgrade slots. I have voicemail as part o…
How do I close my account?Hi, I never activated nor used the service. I don’t intend to use it either. How do I close my acco…
My Upgrade is not working and showing, why?Hi I have selected the upgrade of 250MB to my plan but I don't see it, it shows as activated but no…
How to unfreeze account after late payment?Credit card payment was rejected and my account got frozen. However my credit card has been paid of…
I can access other people's account information through the account links they provide herePlease do not share direct link to your account settings page on this forum. At the end of those li…
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