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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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SMS Group never send the messageI tried to send a sms to my group but It always displays "sending...." but it never sends…
Je ne peux pas utiliser mes donnés.I paid for 2g of data and when i try to use them, they tell me to disconnect my phone from the wifi…
Suggestions for the wallet?I like the idea of the wallet, but it would be great if there was a way to control how (or at least…
How does the payment through reward take place?For example if I receive a bonus of 25 dollars, is it necessary that my monthly bill should be 25 o…
Parametres Réseau mal entrés lors du changement pour fizx?Je crois que j'ai pas bien entre les paramètres réseau lors du changement pour fizz . Je n'arrive p…
Pas de service en data?J'arrive pas a me connecter sur le data y'a t'il un moyen de me rembourssement comme je me suis pas…
My SIM Card, not received yetHi, I ordered the sim card on Jan. 24, 2019 and status said it was delivered. However, I do not rec…
Cant order my sims card they say my adress is invalid but it i not?Cant order my sims card... your site is bugged as **** i needed to copy past my credit card name to…
Voicemail reset?Can I get help resetting my voicemail pin
Media text messages? I cant send or receive any photos by text?I have Samsung 9+ phone and I am not able to share or receive photos using text messages. Is it a …
Securid code not received. SMS bug?SecurId code send by sms . Not received.. fix that this urgent
how do i add Canada USA to my plan? i have now a Quebec planhow do i add Canada USA to my plan? i have now a Quebec plan
fizz $10.00 rebate scamI recieved a text from fizz stating i was recieving a $10.00 gift. When i clicked the link it took …
Activating my SIM cardHi, I activated my SIM card last week. However, when I call my phone number it says, it is not in-s…
Anonymous call featureI want to do an anonymous call to someone for "non prank purposes". This is regarding the…
Can I gift data to someone with a different coverage?If I have a plan that covers only Canada and Quebec, and i gift data to an another user with Canada…
Interactive internet communication issueHello, Can FIZZ explain to me why i could not get any communication established using my cell phone…
Does the Quebec plan include calling to USA?Does the Quebec plan include calling to USA?
I need help getting connected to Data. I pay for it but It's not working. All my Data settings are cI need help getting connected to Data. I pay for it but It's not working. All my Data settings are …
Fizz Free Voicemail (upgrade level 3)?I have reached level 3 and obtained 'FREE VOICEMAIL' for 2 years. I already have voicemail (like th…
1g giveaway?Giveaway the first to ask got it
Does unlimited text include international like text to London?Does unlimited text include international like text to London?
No service no sim card help?I’ve been noticing a lot more no service than usual, also on two occasions it said no sim card? Wha…
I have not received my SIM card for the 2nd time, but it says it's delivered (for the 2nd time). WhaI ordered one SIM but I did not received it. Then, I contacted them and they told me: BUY a new one…
I did not receive my sim card and it says delivered?Order number 6803522127 I did not receive my sim card, I saw that the delivery address is wronk. Pl…
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