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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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My plan is at -2 days even though the payment went through on my credit card, am I the only one?See the title of the question. On top of that, the data from the new month isn't appearing in my ac…
Has data usage been fixed? (pictures)Hey guys, Looks like data usage is now working on my side! :-) Does it work for you now?
Can I call from Fairmount, Quebec?Can I call anywhere in Quebec? for free?
What is a Ranking Mission ?And how can I get one?
Is the Voicemail Upgrade permanent?Some say it'll last only 2 years while some others claim it'll last forever... Well, which one …
Incoming Text Messages sent for authentification purposes not getting tru FIZZ NetworkAutomatic Authentification codes sent from Paypal to me via SMS cannot get thru the FIZZ Network. T…
Want to resubscribe but lost my activation code. How do I recover it?I want to resubscribe but no longer have my access code. Can I resubscribe without my access code? …
Do I need to pay my device balance when transfering from Bell to Fizz?I am thinking of transferring my number to Fizz. Now, I have a mobile plan with Bell. The plan come…
How can I make. PaymentCan you guy retrouve my payment so my line will work also how can I contact support
Can I call from Gaspie?Can I call anywhere in Quebec?
réseau 3G non fonctionnel, même en suivant protocole fizz, le pop up carrier settings/update n'apparJ'essaie de suivre les recommandations de ce lien:…
Do I have to cancel with fido??Hi guys, so i successfully transferred my number from Fido To FIzz. Now that I'm with Fizz do i hav…
how do you use your badges?so yeah i dont really know the point of the badges and all
have a pantech pantech link p7040 phont is it compatible to work with fizzhave a pantech pantech link p7040 phont is it compatible to work with fizz
Mms not working!Does other people have issues with mms not sending. My apn is all ok!
Data add-on is not showing being used despite using data in Asia, why?I've been in Tokyo for a few days, bought a 500mb travel add-on, been using data for the last few d…
Dose fizz have service office?I am newcomer and my bank credit will be ready for 10 days , so i want to buy your sim with pay by …
Received an empty SIM package in the mail. I am racking my brain trying to figure out what happened.Package was sealed. No SIM. No activation code either; the field is blank. So I paid $5 for activat…
No service this morning?Is it only me or the network appears to be offline today again?
0MB per day?Am I the only one with 0MB of data used every day since April 3rd even though I do use mobile data …
Reset NIP boite vocaleEt voilà, sil vous plait me resetté ça!
What's the cost per minute and text message if I do not select unlimited?What's the cost per minute and text message if I do not select unlimited?
What date is used as Subscription Date?I subscribed/selected Mobil Plan and ordered SIM card on April 11, 2019. I received my card and ac…
Mobile Data Gift for RoamingCan I use mobile data I received as a gift to Roaming? Or can this apply to my roaming data?
No service. This is the second time. How can it be fix ?Hi, I have no service again. Can you fix it ?
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