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Questions and answers about the Home Internet service: the plans, the Fizz Wi-Fi app, the modem, etc.
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my mobile's internet do not work, what should I do?my mobile's internet do not work, what should I do?
How was you internet installation appointment?My installation appointment is fast approaching and I wanted to hear from you guys about how your a…
subscribe internet and mobilesubscribe internet and mobile
Internet bonuses?Hey Beautiful people :) What type of internet bonuses or perks exist and at what level did you unl…
Can I switch my internet speed if I already chose 60mbs?I chose the 60mbs option and was wondering if I could switch to the 30mbs later on if I found that …
VOYAGE AU CANADA - Internet avec forfait au Québec?Bonjour! J'ai le forfait appel au Québec seulement. Or, je quitte pour un voyage de 9 jours dans un…
Need to talk to someoneWhere can i get the reference number to refer people
How do I make my Wi-Fi network invisible?I checked but it seems there isn't an option available for that.
When can we expect to have ipv6?As the question states, when can we expect to have IPV6. I know VIDEOTRON was testing a native impl…
Numéro maximal de carte?I'm trying to subscribe, but when I put my credit card number, a message Show up saying I achieved …
INTERNET INSTALLATION From the Pole to Modem inside the house = free?There seems to have a lot of confusion. I would like to know if the house doesn't currently has a c…
Is fizz internet pre-paid like the cellphone plans?Hi is it possible to get fizz internet on pre-paid plan like fizz's cellphone plans?
Enternet connexionMy android machine for tv over ip is not able to connect to the network, please advise how we can s…
How do I cancel my internet subscription before it's installed?The website layout has changed so much, that the solution hub answers from Fizz do not work. They …
can I have 3 cable internet service in one address at the same time?one ISP is Videotron for work, another is Altima for my personal use, I want to try fizz, so will b…
How hard/easy is the manual installation?How hard/easy is it to setup the modem and settings. Is it worth hiring the technician to do it for…
ipsec and l2tp is not working on FIZZ.I am unable to use IPSEC and L2TP VPN to connect home. I have ran packet tracer and can't see the c…
are there any plans to bring the internet to ottawa?would like to know thanks
Where is "Make a payment option"?One of my internet plans is suspended for payment issue, I've updated payment option, but cannot fi…
Where is the wbs option?Where or how do i find the wbs option on the modem
Why am still insisting in trying to solve the "3g-only" connection ?After one week trying to fix the "3g only" problem, after trying everythig, Talked to the…
Why cant I connect to 4g after coming back from travel ?Used 4g regularly, then I traveled. After I came back, it only connects in 3G. I tried everything.…
Mot de passe wifi perdu. Comment le réinitialiser ?Bonjour J'ai modifié le mot de passe wifi mais impossible de m'en rappeler. Je ne peux donc pas me…
Internet is downTried reset and hard reset cannot connect to the Internet. System status says everything is ok ! An…
Bufferbloat Download with Hitron CODA-4680 Firmware here, It's a topic for expert technical problem. I explain the problem with Hitron CODA-4680 Fi…
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