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Questions and answers about the Home Internet service: the plans, the Fizz Wi-Fi app, the modem, etc.
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Can I get refund for a travel add-on I was not able to use?I have bought a travel add-on for data in US and I was just able to use once or twice, after doing …
This is your last reminder. Please book a new appointment?I keep getting an email which tells me to reschedule the delivery of my modem. However, the install…
Mobile app not working?I had Fizz internet installed yesterday, along with the mobile app. Later in the evening, the app w…
I need to change my app number in installation appointmentI need to change my app no. In installation because of I have mistake my app number 2 and it's on a…
I am continuesly receiving a message that I missed one step or two?I have signed up for an internet plan, paid the cost of plan and I am waiting for your technician t…
Internet WiFi Down againInternet WiFi connected vht says no internet on all our devices. What is the status? It's been down…
When is data going to be up again?Fizz was under maintenance and my data wasn't working on July 31 it's August 1 now and it's still n…
Internet installation scheduled for August 1st, 2019. Is the modem delivered by mail?A fizz technician is scheduled to pass by between 7:30 AM and 12 PM for installation of my home int…
Reschedule Installation Appointment?My installation was scheduled for this morning (Wed, July.31) between 7:30am and 12pm. But, unfortu…
What if i just want to try it ?What if i want to try the Fizz internet for few months and i wanna stop using it . How does it work…
Home Internet connection via Apple Airport?I am planning to subscribe to Home Internet. The actual configuration (with Videotron) involves an …
Pas d'opérateur au Nevada ?J'ai pris un forfait données pour les états unis. Je n'obtiens pas d'opérateur pour utiliser mes do…
Paiement 2eme mois refuse par la meme carteJ ai recu un email comme quoi le paiement n est pas passe avec ma carte de credit. Pourtant c est p…
J’aimerais me faire rembourser 57$ car je n’ai pas accès à internet et on m’a chargé?On m’a chargé 57$ pour quelque chose dont je n’ai pas accès. J’aimerais me faire rembourser
Les même problèmes de connexion persiste? The same connection problems are still thereUne fois par jour, la connexion au réseau wifi devient impossible et cela indéfiniment jusqu'à ce q…
Without internet for 5 hours now... fix it?no internet at home for 5 hours now
What is the *upload* speed that comes with the 10mbps plan?What is the *upload* speed that comes with the 10mbps plan? 10 Mbps? (like in the Plan Selectio…
Home internet: Same price after beta period if I subscribe now?If I subscribe for home internet now (while the beta prices are on), will I still have the same pri…
Why does the modem hide system logs from cusadmin?I've been battling an internet disconnection which seems to be happening every day at exactly 11:40…
Internet résidentiel ne fonctionne pas, que faire?!Need help! L’alimentation et le câble coaxial sont bien branchés, les voyants lumineux du upstream …
Connecter un deuxième modem via un câble coax splitter?Est-ce que c'est possible de connecter un deuxième modem via un câble coax splitter? J'ai essayé av…
Jai manquer mon rendez-vous avec le technicien que dois-je faire ?Jai manquer mon rendez-vous avec le technicien pour un nouveau branchement que dois-je faire ?
6 days no internet. No end in sight? Do I just cancel?I updated my payment method but my account got suspended. The payment is up to date and the payment…
why my internet is not working?hey the wifi is not working properly .. please reply me as soon as possible
internet does not work and customer service barely exists?Got lucky and managed to chat with a CS rep earlier today, went through all the steps you could ima…
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