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How fast can I get SIM card in Quebec City?Hi, Is the SIM card available for purchase at Couche Tard? Or …
New AccountHello, we would like to open two mobile accounts and one internet account with Fizz. We are present…
New servicesHello, would like package info please. Need home internet (new location) and switching my cell phon…
Chat bubble doesn't appear, Fizz is not reachable via Twitter, technician is not showing up for theTwice now I've tried to schedule an appointment with Fizz. The first time, they claimed the technic…
Allez vous pouvoir effectuer ma livraison mercredi?Vu la situation je suis inquiète !!! Difficile la quarantaine sans internet...
My adress is not listed, previous tennant still subscribed?I'm not a member yet. I'm moving house and I want to set up internet at my new address. The tenant …
Who Else Love Fizz Service? Give feedbackTry giving feedbacks or try liking the question to show some love to fizz
Can i cancel the subscription whenever i want to?Is it a prededermined contract?
How big is the Fizz community?Fizz community seems to be a good way to get questions answered, but I'm curious to see how many pe…
Number Transfer?My current number is within the subscription area (Area code = 514). I have now permanently moved t…
How can I make an internet installation appointment when there's problem with billing address ?there's problem with billing address when I create a plan to make an appointment
Note Fizz on 5! What do you prefer, what you dislike? SuggestionsNote Fizz /5? What do you prefer? What do you dislike? Any suggestions?
Is theOneplus 7T will work with Fizz&Is theOneplus 7T will work with Fizz&
What do you think about the Fizz community?What do you think about the Fizz community? Me, i think it's a great idea. And it's helpful!
Activation pending for more then 3 hours?Hi, activated my account at 920AM today... more then 3 hours and still not activated? is this norma…
Would I be charged for selecting the 250MB from my upgrades section?I see that there is an option to add a 250MB upgrade in my upgrade section. Would I be charged for …
Can i send multiple 35$ refferal code?Can i send multiple 35$ refferal code?
Why you love Fizz?Why you love Fizz?
Internet address check?Hello all, I am the only one who can't order internet, seems the internet verification address tool…
What's the quality of the WIFI?I'm currently looking to get Bell out of my house. I'm moving into a 2-story house with a basement …Answered ✓ Closed Jean-Sebastien L. 52313 139 views 6 comments 21 points Most recent by SuperFizzeur
payment method.Is there any way to pay with debit card, cause i dont have a credit card?
how cost per month for Plan: 2 mobiles 2 G and internet 120 together?we need to know if you have plan for internet 120 & 2 mobiles 2 G together according in your we…
Problem creating account with fizz?I am trying to create an account for my father, but it's been 2 days that i get an "Erreur ple…
30mbps Internet plan users - How has your experience been so far?Would you say that 30mbps has been enough for your needs? I have looked through the recommended pla…
Moving residence out of coverage?What if I move my residence out of the coverage area, but in an area just covered by partner networ…
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