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MichelP tu n'es pas seulAujourd'hui c'est mon tour, 0 points
New Sim card wont connect to network and keeps telling me to try later?So I received the sim card, I activated it and transferred my number from my other provider, didnt …
How does the forum work - paid and free workAre the people policing the forum paid by Fizz? Or are the incentive enough to trigger these behavi…
Featured post?We, the Fizzer, come here to find information very often. I notice that there is a function called …
Any1 else?Any1 else thinks that we should have direct possibility to edit fonts and such directly while writi…
Ma commande n'est pas arrivée en totalité! 1Bonjour! J'ai acheté deux cartes SIM, j'ai payé, mais je n'en ai reçu qu'une !!! Comment pouvons-no…
Prime de référence?Je suis membre mobile et internet . J ai donné mon code de référence pour les deux inscription .j a…
How do I get kudos?How do I receive kudos and when?
Pourquoi est ce que mon numéro indique état unis quand je suis au Canada?Mon numéro indique État unis quand par exemple j’appelle mon père mais je ne suis pas au état unis …
Is Fizz starting to fizzle?Or has it already fizzled out? Even soda doesn't go flat this quickly!
What happened to the kudos I gave?I sometimes use kudos as bookmarks to check if I missed an answer in the forum etc. Most of them ar…
Can't recognize a shipping address in cote saint luc, QC?I live on ***** Your finds the address and uses it as my home address. However, it can't recognize …
error ordering simsee attachment. I enter my address, then I get an error when ordering the sim (CHROME) (NOTE i CHAN…
unused data and now no data?If I have unused data one month can I rollover but get a plan without data the next month and still…
It keeps asking me to finish activations but i already finish activated the sim card?It keeps asking to finish the activation.. I already did and it ask the code as well?.. I can remem…
Comment activer les cartes sim acheter par un amiJ'ai acheter deux cartes sim pour des amis. Ils veulent les activer mais il nous est impossible
What are the pros and cons of choosing Fizz?Hello Fizz! I wanted to group the information about the Pros and Cons of choosing Fizz to help peo…
Error in ordering SIM card ‘RESERVATION_CODE’I encounter this message when I try to order the SIM card ‘RESERVATION_CODE’. Does anyone here have…
Shipping zone of the SIM card is no where to be found ?I live in montreal, hard to believe that I'm out of shipping zone for the SIM card. I've seen some …
Can't send a sim here to NB?There is coverage here but fizz can't send a simple Sim card?
Je n'entend pas les gens me parler au téléphone ?Bonjour, je n'entends pas les autres me parler au téléphone , mais eux m'entendent . Qu'est ce que …
Why is your website design hiding a lot of text?The look of your site design is very trendy but hides a lot of the useful information. Maybe consid…
Fizz Official Meet Up?Hello! I am curious if any of you attended the Fizz get together that took place on Monday, January…
My SIM won't activate?I received my SIM today but when I go to enter the activation code from the SIM it tells me there i…
My card did not arrive. Can you refund and send a replacement?Hi, my card said it was delivered on the 19 of August. All I got was a damaged piece of paper wit…
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