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Mes primes sont toujours en suspens?Bon, je me suis adhére à fizz j'ai référer du monde, cela fait trois payement 14 novembre 14 décemb…
Got SIM card envelop with no SIM card insideI ordered a sim yesterday card and got an envelop in my mail box today. Problem is it's empty. Ther…
Can I benefit from the 35-referral (last day today?) even if I dont have a SIM card yet?Today, Jan 15 2020 is the last day of the $35 referral bonus. I am currently with Virgin. Am I too…
My adress is not listed, how can i subscribe to fizz services or add a custom adress ?Hi there ! I want to subscribe for fizz internet at home but my address is not listed in the system…
Transfer my current number to fizz?I am trying to transfer my current number to fizz and it is not working. it keeps on telling me tha…
This is just a comment not a question ?I just wanted to share (in both languages ;) ) how happy I am that I decided to switch to Fizz. Not…
Experience so far?How have you guys found your experience with Fizz so far? I've only just joined and im wondering wh…
what is the best way to share my referral code?what is the best way to share my referral code and get results?Answered ✓ Closed L B. #10965 470 views 16 comments 25 points Most recent by Louis-Phillippe B. #15785
Does anyone need extra data?I have a lot left over.. Message me if you need some and how much!
How to earn badges Apprentice, Geek, Supreme Geek, Big Geek?Any idea how it works? Is it that secret algorithm of Fizz? Guru badges are about having the best a…
I have ordered 2 SIM cards and how to cansel one of them?I have ordered 2 SIM cards and how to cancel one of them?
How can I retry transferring my phone number?With my previous carrier, I had a lock setup on the porting of my phone number. I asked them to rem…
Buying my sim cardHi, if I order two SIM cards at the same time, do I get the promotion twice, or do in need to buy t…
accident j aimerais annuler merciwant to you team join the fizz
How to set Avatar for community form?How to I set my Avatar for the community form. Also is it just preset few or can we add our own?
SIM card sent to wrong location, what do I do?Your system said it took 2 days to send out a SIM so I ordered it to a location I would be at for t…
How many fizz accounts can you have from one address?I just invited a member of my family to join fizz and they received a message stating that there ar…
Notification when someone ask a question ?Is it possible to receive a notification when someone ask a new question on the forum ?
How does the referral code works?I just joined Fizz and used someone's referral code. How do I know if I received the $35?
How do I unselect a best answer so I can elaborate on my questionI didn't know it would close the discussion.
How come three members got best answer for the same question?I’m questioning the serious of this forum?
How to get pointsHow do you get points easily?
port number on a holiday?can you port your number and create a new account on a holiday? i want to get the most out of my pl…
how do you verify if your phone number can be ported?how do you verify if your phone number can be ported i'm in the correct coverage area but i have se…
link to order sim cards?looking for appropriate section on the website cannot find where to get sim card all information p…
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