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Did not receive SIM card, what should I do now?I ordered a new SIM card on 6 Oct, but did not received until now. I already payed it and used the …
Can you use different FONTS & SIZES?Does anyone know if there's a way to use different fonts and text sizes in the community help forum?
I ordered a sim card and it says that there is a wrong address. How can i solve it and receive my siI ordered a sim card on the 3rd of october and still did not receive it. On the delivery page of pl…
Porting Failed from Bell - Blackberry Z30Just complete porting my number from Bell to Fizz successfully on website. On my blackberry it sai…
sim cards delivered , but not picked up, so sent back. can you send it again?sim cards delivered , but not picked up, so sent back. can you send it again?
Where can we see the regular prices?When I create a plan, I don't see any regular price. Where can we have it?
Regular prices?I previously asked for where to see regular prices, and I've been answered they are in black. It w…
trouble picking a new number, stuck loading forever help?when I try to pick a new number and click the green save button it just sits there loading forever!…
Is the website working properly?Anyone know if the website working properly? I'm having a hard time activating a new sim card and t…
Mailing addressKeep getting error Try another shipping address. The address you entered is outside our shipping zo…
buy sim card with a visa card from another countryI am trying to buy a sim card online using a visa card from another country. Actually I tried two d…
How to add a logo next to my profile name ?Hi, I would like to add a logo next to my name. Is it possible or it is added automaticly depending…
How much do travel add-ons cost?How do I get to the Travel Add-on Cost? Each time I click on Mobile/Travel, it brings me back to my…
Better to have 2 plans on 1 account or create new account for the 2nd plan?So in terms of receiving rewards and levelling up, which is better? If I already have an internet…
Why does my Mastercard Debit Card not work?I have a mastercard debit card. Why does it not work? Can an option not be added? I live in Quebec.
Invalid SIM?1234 PIN isn't working don't have access to Fizz network What do I do? plus it says invalid SIM? I …
Just a heads up everybody?Hey everyone, not a question but more of a heads up in case you didn't get the e-mail from FIZZ, bu…
j’ai pas reçu la carte sim ancorej’ai pas reçu la carte sim ça fait une semaine
whats my billing address?whats my billing address? for the credit card
The second I transfer my old phone number to a fizz account will it activate my account?I want to transfer my old phone number to fizz but the second I do that will il start my fizz accou…
Who are the companies behind fizz?I heard fizz is owned by Videotron. Are there other partners involved? I tried to click on Terms &a…
le système d'activation ne fonctionne pas que dois-je faire?je tape les 6 caractères du code d'activation et rien ne se passe
how do i transfer my number?i am still on another plan that ends soon and i want to transfer my number before i lose it but i h…
End of SIM activation period?I have also been unable to activate my SIM and today is the last day I have to activate but I don't…
giving away data I have way to much I don't need??if anyone needs data I have a lot for eveybody
I did not get it my sim card delivery?Where is my sim card ? I want refund because i did not get it delivery
Claimed as commercial addressHi, I am already a Fizz mobile customer and will move soon and want to get the Fizz internet for my…
Changing my mobile plan to fizzI have a telus simcard and I want to know for using your service I should a new simcard?
Select SIM numberI am going to register for a SIM card and a plan. how can I select my phone number? can I choose it…
Do you have a customer service line to call?I need to call a customer service line to ask some questions before moving to you company and I nee…
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