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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Is fizz-EXT Lte?When outside of Quebec and Ottawa, does LTE work when available? Is it the same in the US as it is…
When the Stabilization period will end ?When the Stabilization period will end ?
Roaming UkraineI'm going to be in Ukraine, I would like to know if there is any way to keep using my number over t…
dara not workingdata not working
I payed for the CAN/USA coverage but fizz profile says only Canada coverage. Will I be charged for rSo I customized my plan for Canada and USA coverage but wen I went online to check my account it s…
Cuba, Cayo cocoJe vais à Cayo coco, Cuba dans 3 semaines. Je voudrais acheter 2g pour un total de 10$. Est-ce que …
Not receiving or able to make phone calls during the day on the Fizz network?Just reporting not able to receive or make phone calls on the Fizz network, to make or receive I ha…
Je n'arrive pas à commander ma carte sim?Après enregistrement de ma carte de crédit j'ai un message qui apparaît me disant que j'ai atteint …
My sim card seems to be barred from making outgoing caller texts.My sim card seems to be barred and I have no idea how that could have happened. I paid my bill yest…
Any idea of PayPal SMS?It's been months passed. Any idea when we can accept PayPal 2-FA code? I tried today, but not work …
voyage à Cuba?Avez-vous un forfait pour 14 jours à Cuba
to have 250mb upgradeI have created a fizz account 6 months ago, but since that I have not use that account. Recently,…
iOS 13 have VoLTE ?Is that activated in iOS 13?
Benefiting from the referral codeI've just read that the referral code benefits have been deactivated during he stabilization period…
Third party sms not receivedWhat happening with third party SMS? I cannot receive
My activation code?What can i do?
Cancel a Add-on?How can I cancel a Add-on?? Change my mind of having that extra add-on should I not be able to canc…
an application for the mobile plan?Does it will have an application for the phone mobile plan ? I know that they have one for the home…
Wifi Calling, VOLTE, visual voicemail and Esim supportAs of this moment Fizz is very appealing. The prices are unbeatable and it introduces a more fair m…
Transfer Fizz number to new SIM card, also from Fizz. Is this possible?Hello! I've had an account with Fizz for almost a year now, but lost my SIM card recently. I ordere…
Beware from fizzHi everybody.I’m writing this because I have to warn out people staying with this ridiculous compa…
I live in B.C. and I'm getting Fizz Ads, can I buy a Mobile plan in B.C?I live in British Columbia and have no plan of going to Quebec. I'm getting lots of advertisements …
Data to shareI have data 3 GB to share, DM your phone or email if you want some...
Did not receive my ne sim card , what do I do next ?I did not receive my new sim card , its listed as delivered but I did not actually get it. How do I…
Unable to order a sim card,and I have to place a question mark here->???Hi, I was trying to order my first fizz sim card, but the webpage continuous warning that I have re…
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