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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
Discussion List
Is my phone locked?Hi, I just entered my new Fizz sim card but it says Network locked SIM card inserted. Does this mea…
Need To change PlanI have the plan of 6 gb and i would like to change to the Plan of 4 gb.How can i do that ?
I can only receive texts. I can't call or send a text. Thoughts?This is my 2nd month with fizz. I can't send/respond by text or call, even though everything on my …
Any known mobile coverage issues in BC?Hi! I'm heading to BC from Montreal later this month, having just made the switch to Fizz. Was wond…
no mobail internet?internet not working
Do you need to put your sim card inside your cellphone to activate the sim card?Do you need to put your sim card inside the phone to activate your sim card?
Any discounts on multiple activations?I need three SIM cards! Any discounts!
problème d'appelBonjour, je n'arrive pas à appeler
Not able to reactivate wireless serviceI am trying to reactivate after a cancellation, followed the steps by the page to reactivate doesn'…
Can't ship a SIM to an address in Pincourt, when will this be fixed?I was told on Feb 7, 2019 that it would be resolved in 24 hours but it still does not work, help pl…
Can you surf the Fizz website without using your data?If you run out of data and need to buy an add-on, can you still get on the Fizz site to do so?
Can you always access the website?Hi, I'm wondering if you can access the website from your mobile service if you're out of data or d…
Billing cycle?Hi there: Can anyone explain how long is the billing cycle? If I sign up , say, on day D of a given…
Are there any charges for calling 1800 phone numbers?Are there any charges for calling 1800 phone numbers?
Réseau manquant?Toujours pas de réseau 2h après l'activation de ma sim
Problème de réseau?Est-ce qu'il y avait un problème avec le réseau internet aujourd'hui (6 février)? Je n'ai pas d'int…
Pas de reseauJ'ai activé la sim transféré mon numéro et rien pas de réseau plus de téléphone plus !!!
fizz charge USA data roaming from my wallet even bought a USA roaming add-on, why?fizz charge USA data roaming from my wallet even bought a USA roaming add-on, why?
Activation code doesn't workHi, I just received my card this morning, I'm trying to activate it but got an error that this code…
Numéro carte SIM invalideJe viens de recevoir ma carte SIM. Lorsque je rentre mon numéro d'activation pour l'activer, on me …
Acceder à ma boite vocale à partir d'un téléphone fixe?Le numero de telephone. mon cell est décharger et le cable de chargement est défectueux
not getting 4G connectivity on my Huawei phone?I did all the manual APN configuration settings on my current Huawei phone, tried restarting my pho…
I am not receiving text messages.I can call, receive calls and text but I am not able to recive any text message. I followed the ste…
Ou est rendu mon boni pour avoir fait inscrire une autre personne à FizzBonjour, Mon code a été ajouté lors de l'inscription de la nouvelle personne, mais il semble que ce…
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