Does fizz will provide promotion for home wireless home like Fido ?

Dear: Fizz Team
I did try to create the lowest unlimited Canada to used with my home wireless ZTE W721 it still cost $17 extra per month b4 tax.
But Fido offer for free when have monthly plan with Fido.
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I hope fizz will one day consider provide wireless home phone as Fido does.


  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 542 ✭✭
    I think when Fizz becomes a big company in the future, they may consider it.
    Now they are still trying to fix basic problems, bugs, etc.
  • DavidP
    DavidP Posts: 301 ✭✭
    Not sure what you are talking about because when you look for Fido home phone it costs 13$ a month for Fido clients. If you consider that right now their cell with data plan are more expensive than Fizz, the total is cheaper with Fizz even if pay 17$ for Canada unlimited.
  • Anne H. #1344
    Anne H. #1344 Posts: 648 ✭✭
    $35 FOR 60M is decent.
  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    Fizz does not provide home phone at the moment
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