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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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data plan in Usacan I use my data plan in USA if my mobile call coverage is Canada-USA
Why is my activation still pending?I received my SIM card on sunday and followed all the steps to have my number transfered from Roger…
Usa -canada call planif I'm subscribed to Usa-canada call plan , I know that I can call USA from Canada , but can i call…
mobile pricesI have invitation but surprisingly I see the prices is higher than the person who invite me. Can I …
can I pay it is PayPalcan I pay it is PayPal
if I make a call to Gatineau and I have a Quebec plan, will it be included or I will be charged?if I make a call to Gatineau and I have a Quebec plan, will it be included or I will be charged? It…
how can I listen to my messages from another phonehow can I listen to my messages from another phone
Why I can not receive the message ?I want reset my password of bank ,Yesterday , I receive nothing after the bank sent message .I ha…
When making or receiving a call I can hear the person but they cannot hear me?When making or receiving a call I can hear the person perfectly but they cannot hear me or the soun…Answered ✓ Closed Jean-Francois P. 33050 88 views 6 comments 18 points Most recent by Jean-Francois P. 33050
Fizz Data gifting to lines on same account?Is it possible to gift data between lines on the same account? Thanks!
Can't make outgoing calls?Phone number *** *** ****. I can't make outgoing calls. Please fix.
Please Spare data ?Can Anyone spare some data please. I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Anyone have any data to spare?Had to use my phone as an internet hotspot this month and blew through all my data. I'd be so grate…
Does anyone have some data to spare?My home internet broke and I've unfortunately used up almost all my data.. does anyone have any to …
Didn't receive my SIM card, what should I do?Hi I was supposed to get my SIM card 2 weeks ago, but didn't. The delivery status shows that it was…
would anyone have some data to give?I'm almost out of data...If you have data to give, please let me know!
Is Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro - Global Version (model # M1906G7G) compatible with Fizz? Merci!According to the website, the phone supports the following frequencies: 2G - B2/B3/B5/B8 3G …
Transfer my number?Hi i want to transfer my number to a different provider but they're telling me that i need a 12 dig…
I have data to give?Just send me your phone number or email.
Mobile data outage?Is anyone else currently experiencing a mobile data outage? I am currently in Montreal, QC, and my …
Is there anyone else that has his upgrades desactivated ? My upgrade slots have disappeared ...I also have upgrades but cant add them because there is no slots. If someone can help would be much…
Has anyone not been billed?I haven't been billed since August. Has this happened to anyone? I haven't received any kind of mes…
Fraud calls from Africa?Hello, Someone from Republic of Congo, Salvador, Central African republic calls me and my wife in t…
Upgrade rolls over & received every monthIf I understand correctly, data upgrades once applied will be received each month and the unused po…
Why no data in Ontario (roaming activated, connected fizz ext 4g)?Hi, I am in Ontario but unable to get data, I activated everything (roaming etc...) Have a Canada …
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