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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Voicemail mutedWhen I reach my voicemail, no sound comes up, and it closes after about half a minute?
Still waiting for transfertStill waiting to transfert my number to Fizz. I need my phone, more than hall day waiting.
I dont have access to my voicemail why?I dont have access to my voicemail why?
Voicemail doesn't work anymoreWhat happens with voicemail, Today I received a message that I have a new voicemail, but when I try…
Phone data?The data for phone number 514-8***** says there is 1.1/12gb of data left but it rest yesterday, can…
Is my phone compatible I have a blackberry motion I purchased 2 years ago ?I went over all you materials and there is nowhere i can put my IMEI number or find out 100% my ph…
Cant make phone calls, why?After activating my payment plan i can receive calls now but cant make calls. why?
Anyone has extra Data to give? Working from home.Also, how can I PM a user? I am new to this forum. Thanks
Fizz voicemail unavailable?Fizz texts me automatically to tell me that I have a voice message on my voicemail. However, when I…
Line suspended ?My line was suspended du to late payment i made the payment how long will it take for my number to …
Family/Friends not getting picture messages, text only MMS is being received - question mark ?I am having a problem with sending MMS Pictures to contacts. Text-mms's seem to work. When I text…
Does anyone have any extra data they can gift me?Do you have extra data to gift?
Why didn't go toI was using the same card for many years
I'm in Gaspésie right now for a few weeks. It seems like I can't call anyone. How can I solve this pStill in Quebec, but not in Montreal. Cannot call anyone. What add on can I buy to be able to make …
My sim card it is not configure and I can't make a call, receive a call. Same for sms. How can I conMy sim card it is not configure and I can't make a call, receive a call. Same for sms. How can I co…
Land Phone Number to CellBonjour, Can I transfer my land phone number (I'm with Videotron, Rockland) to a cell phone with Fi…
Upgrade Gift possibleHello, did you know if it's possible to Gift upgrade to another user ?
I already payed my bill, my cellular data work but I can’t make a call I mean my mobile phone doesn’I already payed my bill, my cellular data work but I can’t make a call I mean my mobile phone numb…
Huawei p30 pro téléphone compatible avec fizz?Bonjour, est-ce que mon téléphone p30 pro est compatible avec Fizz?
Can we have Access number for apps?Can we have an Access number and a password to use the FIZZ apps mobile+internet that is available …
How do I reply to someone’s question?I’m trying to level up by helping people but I can’t find out how to reply on questions
cancel my planI don't need fizz service and number, please help me withdraw and cancel it now
If I activate my 500mb does it use it before my “regular data”?I still have a decent about of data left but my 500mb has a couple days left to activate it. If I a…
Can anybody tell me all the mobile data level perksDoes anybody know all the perks/ attachments you get for leveling up from 1-5?
Can't receive a text verification code from Facebook?I can receive text from my roommate but not from Facebook. I was locked out for some reason and Fac…
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