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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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Does anyone need 5 x 2 gb of data? two persons please porting out todayI am new to community, so please accept apology for delay in response.
Cellular Outage?Anyone else experiencing cellular outage in the Ottawa area? I’m getting no signal at all.
Privacy concerns with gifting data?This is follow-up to Sylvain's post:…
No emergency alert?Anyone else still not get an emergency alert with Fizz? My phone was silent, while my daughters' p…
What is my account number?Hello, I would like to know what is my account number please.
Is RCS support now available on Fizz?Since I last looked into this feature, Fizz has added an FAQ relating to RCS:…
How to cancel my order ?Forgot to insert referral code bunos.
Another week without RCS ?Day 7792 of no rcs on fizz. In all seriousness when are we getting it, and don't tell me that fizz …
Asus Zenfone 7 Pro Compatibility?Want to check if the ASUS ZenFone 7 Pro ZS671KS would be compatible on Fizz. I might be buying it f…
Data gifting idea. Would it be a good idea?I really love the gifting feature with Fizz. But I have to admit that I'm concern with privacy. I…
Anyone needs mobile data?With COVID I'm pretty much always home so most of my mobile data is wasted. If you need some and …
I have 500Mb to offer, if anyone needs it?Hello Fizz community, I have 500MB to offer , if anyone needs it. Just PM me your phone number. Ho…
My IMEI is correct but fizz says its not, what do I do?What am I supposed to do if my IMEI is correct but fizz says its not ?
Porting number to TelusTried porting my number out to Telus today. It didn’t work with my customer number and I can’t find…
No working phoneHow do I get my phone working as soon as possible?
change plan phonei would like yo know ,instead of add on 1 gig and pay 12 $ , if i could revert to the basic plan …
In the USA and after 2 days data is not working?Hi there I am in the USA and after 2 days my data are not working working. I have 8 GB of data avai…
I have 20GB of data to gift - send me a PM?I'm cancelling my service later this month and have this month's 20GB data to gift (I have more tha…
When someone calls me no answer.When someone calls me i do not recieve the call, on the caller's line it says: Number is not found …
Can i have 02 sim cards (02 numbers) under my Fizz account?Good day i want to have 02 numbers under my Fizz account is that possible? how to activate my old F…
Combining referral bonus and mobile perks?My account currently has 3 seperate $25 rebates on a mobile plan, with one of them expiring soon. I…
sim card reactivation?Hi! I used a Fizz sim card before as a second number for business. i dropped it for almost one year…
Unsuspend my ligneI need to transfer my number to another provider i need my number to be reactivated to transfer it …
i had a plan last month but now it says i dont have a plan?I dont have cellular data for the last 2 days and i just checked and it says i dont have a plan? wh…
Cellular data problems?since yesterday night, i havent been able to go on any apps that need internet or data? i did resta…
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