Our mobile network is evolving.



  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,352 ✭✭

    yes, me too. Hope they will implement this as soon as possible.

  • Martin D. 36874
    Martin D. 36874 Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Will it switch automatically or some settings on the phone are to be changed?

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Martin D. 36874

    My wife has VoLTE with Videotron since some time, maybe nearly 2 years because she changed cellphone and Sim card in November 2020. There's nothing to do, when she calls on her LG K61, the network stays LTE. I have also confirmed using the Network Signal Info app: she stays connected to LTE band 12 (700Mhz) even during the call, whereas my Fizz Samsung A52 5G flips to UMTS 3G during every call.

    I noticed she has 3 files on her cellphone: an APN file, along with a IMS and a XCAP file. I added similar files to my phone, but nothing changed.

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,352 ✭✭
  • msarko
    msarko Posts: 14 ✭✭

    YES! this is great news! It might help with some issues i've been having with some phone calls!

    Hopefully Call over Wifi will come soon!

  • zaishka
    zaishka Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Good to know!

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,352 ✭✭
  • Chris_RefCode_AKTFR
    Chris_RefCode_AKTFR Posts: 180 ✭✭

    how do you know if you have a 3g sim card?

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    If your Sim card does not have a red lightning bolt on it, it may be an old 3G (3G is for call status, not data status). You can also go to the ABOUT PHONE menu and find the SIM CARD STATUS section. If the MOBILE VOICE NETWORK TYPE is 3G, it's probably a 3G card. Otherwise it should say LTE. But I no longer have a 3G Sim card, so I haven't tried it.

  • MTheGreat
    MTheGreat Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited August 2022

    Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’ve just received the invitation, so it shouldn’t be too long for you to get it too.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    You lucky people!!!

  • Raqpha
    Raqpha Posts: 25 ✭✭


  • Kawine
    Kawine Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I just received the e-mail to get the new SIM Card, but when clicking on it and after authentication, it says : Based on your account information, you're not eligible for a 0$ SIM card.

    I am a client since almost first days... kinda lost here...

  • Marcelle
    Marcelle Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Après avoir reçu un e-mail indiquant que ma carte SIM VoLTE peut avoir besoin de 2 semaines pour arriver, ma carte SIM actuelle a cessé de fonctionner et je ne peux plus utiliser mon téléphone pour appeler ou recevoir des appels. Dois-je attendre que la carte SIM soit remplacée ou quelque chose ne va pas ? !!

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,352 ✭✭

    that's weird, but seems to be a problem for few other users. I would suggest you to report this issue to the admins.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Avez vous essayé de retirer votre carte SIM, puis la réinsérer. Une fois que le démarrage a été complété, faite un redémarrage forcé en appuyant sur le bouton POWER pendant 20 secondes jusqu'à ce que le téléphone redémarre. Certains modèles, il faut appuyer simultanément sur le bouton POWER et VOLUME DOWN pendant 20 secondes jusqu'au redémarrage.

  • rogerho
    rogerho Posts: 5 ✭✭
    edited August 2022

    Got my new replacement Sim. Did the activation online. Waited for the old SIM to disconnect from network to put the new SIM. Put the new SIM card in phone and No Service. Reboot the phone and still no service. Put back the old Sim card and the old one works. I tried to go back to my online to re-activate the new Sim card but I get an Error message saying "We couldn't save previous selection and to resubmit order". How do I resubmit an order? Am I supposed to get another SIm card???

    Seriously Fizz get your act together. I'm not wasting any more time on this.

  • NicolasA
    NicolasA Posts: 27 ✭✭

    Thanks Fizz. VoLTE SIM ordered.

  • Ari M.
    Ari M. Posts: 128 ✭✭

    Do we have any idea on when the switch to VoLTE will happen? I'm hopping it fixes some issues i have where people stop hearing me for 30 seconds after 1 min in the call and then the connection comes back....

    Wifi calling would fix that, cause i'm mostly home...

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭

    @Ari M.

    In a recent post, Whizz said Fizz was working very hard to get a new Sim card to everyone and getting VoLTE to work before the end of the year. Let's hope they can make it.

    Concerning your calls interruptions, as you know calls still go through 3G networks, and putting your network mode settings to 3G WCDMA (or 2G GSM in the USA) will improve your calls. I know toggling manually between 3G and 4G LTE is a fuss, but when mobile signal is weak, you may not have any other choice yet. I had the same issue a year ago, but changing phone fixed that issue.

    You can also try removing your phone protection case.

  • Mos
    Mos Posts: 73 ✭✭

    Just retuned from NY USA and service was very good much better then 3 months ago!

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited August 2022


    Glad to hear some people have had a good travel experience while using Fizz. If you could give extra information: what phone you have? new Sim card? T-Mobile or AT&T? Do you know if the calls were VoLTE?

    So we may better understand what's going on across the border.

    Thanks for sharing!

  • pritha
    pritha Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I just got the new SIM card and it's been hours now without service! My old one is deactivated so I can't even use it anymore. I'm apparently not the only one with this issue. How are we supposed to fix this?

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    I don't know if it will work, but try a "Power Cycle": press the Power button for 20 seconds, until the phone restarts. On some phones, you need to pop hold the Power button AND Volume Down button for 20 seconds, untill the phone starts.

  • kokoboko
    kokoboko Posts: 363 ✭✭

    patience. they are working. there is a message under "our services status"

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    i think 1st step is to update sim cards to everybody and 2nd release the network update for VoLTE.

  • lemonsieursamuse
    lemonsieursamuse Posts: 5 ✭✭

    meme chose ici, reçu ma nouvelle carte sim ce matin, fait le transfert en ligne: La data ne fonctionne pas avec la nouvelle malgré le logo 3G ou LTE, les appels fonctionnement par contre

    Et l’ancienne carte sim est désactivée


  • kingTheod
    kingTheod Posts: 213 ✭✭

    VoLte may lower your cost but i warn you not to make sensitive calls over LTE using public Wifi !!

    it's great at home, known and reliable network. but avoid making calls at coffee, resto, malls, groceries, etc (all free)

    perfect to get your communication eavesdropped, especially if you call you bank, doctors, gov agencies etc and provide confidential data...

    Think twice fizzers !

  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 7,100 ✭✭

    I think you might be mixing up 2 completely different calling features. I believe VoLTE calls are done on the LTE network whereas Wifi calling (not available with Fizz) is a separate feature works through your Wifi data.

  • olivier G. 46249
    olivier G. 46249 Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Même chose ici.. Un billet est ouvert sur mon compte, pas de service data depuis 12h...

    Si ça ne fonctionne pas demain bye bye fizz.

  • olivier G. 46249
    olivier G. 46249 Posts: 7 ✭✭

    That makes no sense.

    LTE technology replaces old 3G but is still a network owned and operated by the carrier. The voice call will be Routed on it. It has nothing to do with voice over wifi and should technically be as secure as the previous setup.

  • EricPD
    EricPD Posts: 181 ✭✭

    VoLTE communications are encrypted between the phone and the carrier. There is a hacking technique called ReVoLTE exploiting a weakness in encryption Implementation on carrier networks. This technique can’t be used to eavesdrop random calls: the hacker much be connected to the same antenna as the target and he needs an active call with the target to collect encryption data. A 5 minutes call allow the hacker to hack 5 minutes of eavesdropped calls. So, doable, but it needs to be planned.

    About VoWIFI, the standard allows an IPsec vpn to be established between the phone and the carrier’s IMS. However, unless ther is some tool available on Android to find the info, you can’t know if the carrier activated encryption or not. So, on public Wi-Fi, better use a VPN.

  • rogerho
    rogerho Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Pour ma part ca pris 2 jours pour qu'il trouve une solution. Mais mon ancien SIM fonctionnait toujours. J'ai ouvert un billet le dimanche et j'ai recu un email le mardi pour dire d'essayer a nouveau la nouvelle carte..

    Mais pour fermer le billet, il faut entrer a nouveau au clavardage... un autre 30min de perdu pour attendre de parler a un representant juste pour lui dire de fermer le billet.

  • Ynnad
    Ynnad Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I have received and activated my new SIM card voLTE this week. Since then my cell phone does not work, no data, no call, no text. I have open a ticket for 3 days and no resolution. I have an iPhone 11. So my advice to you all, don’t activate your new SIM card!!!! You should wait for Fizz to find solutions.

    Very bad technical support from Fizz. Very disappointed. Wondering how many days , weeks or months I will have to deal with this issue. Unacceptable.

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    just to add this. free wifi always vpn. no exception.

  • Collapse3
    Collapse3 Posts: 56 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Nice!! Glad I joined fizz!!

  • BEBE
    BEBE Posts: 154 ✭✭

    great.welcome to the club buddy. Now Im waiting to see the big expansion....Fm and V... will be sweet. Im sure will have wonderful deals on sale.

  • FizzyWizz
    FizzyWizz Posts: 95 ✭✭

    New Fizz subscriber here. Received my VoLTE sim card by mail and VoLTE seems to be working right out of the box on my iPhone.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Seems normal. It's a new activation. The problems seem to occur during the SIM card swapping process.

    Welcome to Fizz!

  • EricPD
    EricPD Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Which indications lead you to believe you calls are done using VoLTE?

  • FizzyWizz
    FizzyWizz Posts: 95 ✭✭

    When making a phone call, the network status on my iPhone says "LTE". With my previous provider, when making a phone call, the "LTE" logo would switch to "3G" during the call, and the revert back to "LTE" once the call ended.

  • SquikyBird
    SquikyBird Posts: 1,613 ✭✭

    Hope the Wifi calls come soon after.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭
    edited September 2022


    Good question. But it really seems some new users with iPhone 12 or 13 living in Montreal or Quebec city really seem to be VoLTE in Quebec as well as in the USA. Why? Who knows.

  • ah727
    ah727 Posts: 823 ✭✭


    Also a user in Québec City has confirmed VoLTE on a Xiaomi cellphone.

  • MTeasdale
    MTeasdale Posts: 138 ✭✭

    Still waiting on my email. So is my partner.

  • FizzyWizz
    FizzyWizz Posts: 95 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    I know Fizz has said that once a plan has been activated on a VoLTE sim card, we can't set up call forwarding, but has anyone been able to successfully set it up ? And if so, how ? I tried with using the **61*# code without success...

  • almasyseifer
    almasyseifer Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Any news on when the rest of the emails are going to be distributed? Been member since beta and got no mail yet, neither those who I referred.