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My Mobile
Questions and answers about mobile services: data rollover, data gifting, the SIM card, activation, Add-ons, roaming, etc.
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not working mobile phonemanaged roaming (sub1) network with limited service found
sos sos sim fizzYou don't have a technician who clearly explains to us why it can't be solved for such a long time.…
phone not working all dayIt is my very important day, but my phone does not work. All day long, until now...
Network down?Cannot connect to network FIZZ SINCE 1:00 pm. Is the problem my mobile or the network ?
network connecttwhat happened with the net work
No service !!! Fizz is off ??? Can some one to answer is ... this is a communication company withoutNo service !!! Fizz is off ??? Can some one to answer is ... this is a communication company withou…
Hi, from morning fizz network os not available through out mo trealFrom the morning fizz network is not available through out montreal
should we switch to videotron APN settings until the Fizz network gets fixed? Will we be charged foris temporary switch of the APN setting possible? if it is possible what settings do we need ....
what I did to make my iphone works now?My phone works normal now. What I did is that 1) turn off the Cellular Selection Automatic, wait un…
No network since morningI joined fizz 2 days ago. Today since morning I have no network. I saw that is some technical issue…
No network not registered on network?Is fizz down. I need service if my children nerd to contact me for emergencies
My phone not workingMy phone is not working can you help me out pleaseAnswered ✓ Closed shlomo G. #3923 4 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Pierre-Olivier B. #3033
Taxi strike?Taxis are on strike. Péladeau just bought Teo Taxi. Uber needs datas to fonction. Videotron experie…
My SIM card don't work from today.Hello. I don't know why from now reason my SIM card don't work after 3 months.
People cannot call me on my number. it still says call later with no even messaging?When will this get resolved??!!
service issuesservice issues network down montreal area network is on and off.... see on the com board alot of is…
no network this morning in kirkland qc?no network this morning in kirkland qc?
Coming out of Beta?This is not good when Fizz is just coming out of Beta now! Same thing like a few months ago and the…
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable ?Go to and you can see: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable. 2 more months extension on Bea…
Connected to Fizz, but can not make call and no data?Connected to Fizz, but can not make call and no data. They are still working on it.
Hey WHIZZ and FIZZ - when can we expect service back in Ottawa?Seems to be a serious issue! NO SERVICE in Ottawa. Network down... Wonder if it is the same with ot…
This is not accepptable, what's happening?I have never lost all three services together in a clear day like this. I know this is a community …
I don't have network since 9 am. Can you solve the problem ?I don't have network since 9 am. Can you solve the problem ?
can soumone telk to me ?saap asap asap asap
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